Place your bets, people - because if this man who claims he is a time traveller from the year 2743 is to be believed, England will win the World Cup this year.
There will also apparently be a Bigfoot sighting in 2022 and things really get going in later in the year, with five people predicted to receive superpowers.
A huge sea creature 'bigger than 'Megalodon' is set to be discovered, so that's great if the Jurassic Park films are anything to go by.
Posting on TikTok, someone who claims to be a 'space adventurer' from the year 2743 says that 'a new era is about to begin'.
"Remember these dates: August 29, 2022: five people receive superpowers. May 2, 2022: Big Foot sighting in the northwestern region of California," they said in the clip.
The TikTok user claimed they are humanity's 'last hope' - because of course they would be - after another self-proclaimed space adventurer thetimetraveler2582 told his followers he was under arrest.
"Our journey has come to an end," thetimetraveler2582 said. "But this won't stop us time travellers from spreading the truth.
"Timetraveler2743 is our last hope. He will continue to reveal the truth until they catch him. Stay safe."
Social media users were doubtful about the time traveller from 2743's predictions, with one saying: "You almost had me until the World Cup..."
Another volunteered to receive superpowers, quipping: "Please let me be Spider-Man or Aqua Man".
The time traveller's predictions are just the latest in a TikTok trend that is seeing people claiming they've come from the future.
Self-proclaimed time traveller, Aery Yormany, shared a video at the start of the year to get us geared up for 2022, writing: “There is a lot you need to know.”
In the clip, the TikToker says: "I have been thought of as a fake time traveller for too long, so remember these three major dates in early 2022.”
They proceed to list three predictions for the coming year, including the discovery of a sea creature that’s even larger than a blue whale.
They added: "March 11 - the first human has a child with a chimpanzee, it can talk and has mixed features.
"April 19 - a new Covid strain 'omega' emerges, five times worse than all other versions.
"September 17 - the largest creature is discovered in the ocean, called the Cerine Croin, over four times the size of the blue whale."
So the human-chimpanzee hybrid hasn't happened, but two accounts have now mentioned the massive sea monster that sounds like it's named after Celine Dion, so we'll just have to wait and see.