Tinder has a whole bunch of exciting new features on the way to guarantee you a summer of love.
From Swipe Party (a setting that lets you consult your friends on matches) to Festival Mode (connecting you with festival-goers before the event), Tinder’s offering is the best it’s ever been.
Tinder CEO Renate Nyborg told LADbible more about what’s in store for the world’s most popular dating app, and of course, get her hot tips on writing the best possible bio.

CEOs don’t get much more impressive than Nyborg, who, at 36, is the first ever woman to hold Tinder’s highest-ranking spot.
Nyborg effortlessly combines her drive, intelligence and laser-focused composure with a playful warmth that makes it hard not to fangirl, and genuinely lit up when talking about Tinder’s newest features.
“The special thing about Tinder, is that we’ve designed it to work for any kind of romantic outcome, and any kind of romantic outcome you want to have,” Nyborg said with a grin.
Elaborating on one of the new ways the app allows users to shape their online romance’s journey, Nyborg told us about Free Tonight, a feature used by people seeking immediacy.
“It does what it says on the tin,” Nyborg explained. “You go in there and there are other people you can match with that are looking to do something right here, right now.”
Then there’s the soon-to-be-launched Swipe Party, a feature Nyborg said is ‘exploring the notion of making Tinder fun for everyone’.
Using Swipe Party, single people can invite their friends to help them figure out potential matches.
“If you want your friends to help you vet people, you can invite those friends into the experience,” Nyborg told us.
Sure to be a smash-hit with Brits is Festival Mode, a new Tinder feature that helps users connect before heading to festivals. Festival mode can be found on Tinder’s new Explore feature, which allows people to connect based on common interests.
“Explore is the new surface area of Tinder. It’s where you can go and instead of just matching with people directly, you can match based on shared interests, like having a pet, or being into food,” Nyborg shared.
The feature Nyborg’s most looking forward to? That’d be Tinder Games. “It’s one of the things I’m most excited about this year,” she beamed.
“We have games coming to Tinder. You can start a game with someone, and kind of flirt with them through that.”

Tinder’s jam-packed new feature list makes now as good a time as any to get your bio in check, and Nyborg was more than happy to share her top tips on that front.
“We definitely see that anyone who has a bio that's really authentic is likely to meet more people,” revealed Nyborg.
“We see that doing things like adding your Spotify account will result in new matches, people are looking for people that share the same interests.”
Nyborg added: “If you have a pet, you should definitely include your pet in your bio. People that have a dog in their profile picture get 5% more matches on Tinder.” There you have it. Now, go forth and swipe.
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Tinder