The tiniest of law enforcers is making the rounds at a Colombian airport, sniffing out criminals and putting smiles on passengers' faces all at the same time.
This tiny Chihuahua is the newest drug-detection dog that is going viral on TikTok after a Colombian passenger by the name of Agata Fornasa filmed the small boy wandering around the terminal.
He was very much a part of the crew as well, spotted with a group of law enforcement officers and wearing a vest to match.
Speaking to The Dodo, Fornasa said: “Standing next to them [police officers] was a little dog who began to sniff all the suitcases.
“The girls from the duty-free shop told me that his name was Chiqui and that he worked as a drug dog. I thought it was beautiful, so I filmed it.”
Chiqui appears to be so small that you’d miss him if you weren’t keeping an eye out. The perfect undercover contraband-seeking pup.
While Chiqui does appear to get distracted at times, he covers some impressive ground as the officers allow him to roam off-lead.
The video on TikTok has been viewed 9 million times with more than 650k likes. It’s safe to say Chiqui’s charm is infectious.
"Everyone who saw him smiled," Fornasa told The Dodo. "He was very focused on his work. So handsome."
Despite his cute size, the canine certainly airs a sense of authority as he struts around with confidence, taking his job extremely seriously.
This isn’t the first time a Chihuahua has been looked to for drug detection either.
Back in 2006, a Chihuahua cross rat terrier was named the smallest police dog in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records.
The dog, by the name of Midge, worked alongside the Geauga Sherrif’s Office, Chardon in Ohio.
Bob Eden, who trains dogs and handlers for the police gave some insight to NBC on just why smaller dogs made for great sniffers.
He said: “Smaller pups can get into smaller and tighter spaces in order to carry out their searches.
"A Jack Russell terrier may make an extremely capable narcotics detection dog, yet some agencies would shy away from using such a breed simply because the dog doesn't have the same respect level from the public as a Lab or shepherd might."
Despite his size, Officer Chiqui has certainly earned our respect.