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Mortified Mum Confused As Postman 'Smirks' Handing Over Parcel Before Seeing Label

Mortified Mum Confused As Postman 'Smirks' Handing Over Parcel Before Seeing Label

She says she can't look him in the eye anymore

Amelia Ward

Amelia Ward

A mum was left 'mortified' after an adult toy she bought online didn't turn up in the 'discreet' packaging that was advertised - much to her postman's amusement.

Chloe Lythgoe, 21, thought she'd treat herself to a 'clit sucker' sex toy off Amazon for £15, and patiently waited for it to arrive.

She got a text message to say that her order was due to be delivered to her, but when she opened the door, she found her courier trying to contain a grin.

After looking down at the parcel to try to work out what was going on, she realised that he had most likely seen the 'Satisfyer Clit Sucker Next Generation' label that was casually sitting on the outside of the packaging.


Now, the full-time mum has to answer the door to the same driver every single time she gets a parcel, with both of them silently knowing that he's seen what she's been buying on the downlow.

Chloe, from Warrington, Cheshire, said: "I felt mortified. I went bright red, just closed the door and thought 'typical me'.

"I just wanted the ground to open up and eat me, it was less than discreet.

"I opened the door in my dressing gown too with my kids stood behind me wondering who was at the door with my hair up in a 'mum bun' - I bet I looked the part.

"I felt so embarrassed. Even now when he comes to the door I can't look at him in the eye, just knowing he knows what I get up to makes me cringe.

"He still delivers all my parcels and every time I open the door I think 'oh why? Please change'. I've got years of embarrassment to come."


She said she bought the toy after it was recommended to her, but the delivery details say the company makes discretion a 'primary consideration'.

Chloe explained: "When he pulled up at the drive it alerted me on my phone, he was just walking up the path and smiling to himself..


"The scanner [code] that they have to scan in was right next to the name of the product. I opened the door and he handed it over, smirking as if he knew what was in the box.

"It was awful, I looked at him as if to say 'please, I hope you've not seen it' and he looked back to say 'I know what's in there'."

But it looks like all publicity is good publicity, and after she shared her video, her friends have decided to try it


Chloe said: "On the page it said it was discreet and I thought that was fine.

"Luckily I don't live with my parents or siblings and my kids are young - three, two and five months - so it's not too bad. They're not of reading age.

"When I told my friends, surprisingly they asked me how it was, so the company has sold quite a few [off the back of] my [Facebook] story, I believe."

Someone give the girl some commission.

An Amazon spokesman said: "Amazon is investigating the issue."

Satisfyer were contacted for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy

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