Although we share a common tongue with our pals across the pond, our speech, slang and spellings are very different.
So for this American man, who describes himself as a 'meer Yankee living amongst Brits', some of our lingo just doesn't make sense to him.
So much so that he reckons some of our favourite turns of phrase should be made 'illegal'.
Content creator KJordy, known as @kjordyyy on TikTok, has been sharing snippets of his life in London since he made the move from the States online as well as pointing out the cultural differences he has clocked onto.
We all know the UK and the US are bound together by a shared history, a common language and similar principles - but this guy reckons that his lot have really outdone Brits when it comes to dialect.
In his latest video, KJordy revealed some of the words that we use over here that he simply 'cannot stand'.

He began: "First up is 'bloody' – I just don't understand the need to say that. Every time I hear it I think of blood. Ugh!
"Second we've got 'bullocks' [he means b*llocks]. Don't ask me what this means, but all I know is when they're p***ed off they shout, 'Oh, b*llocks'.
"When I first heard someone shout it I generally thought something was going down."
Despite butchering the pronunciation, he did get the definition pretty spot on to be fair.
KJordy continued: "Number three is the grossest in my opinion – dribble.
"Dribble is when someone is drooling out their mouth. It just sounds so gross when they're like 'oh, someone has a little dribble in their mouth'. It doesn't really sound right or sit with me well."

The social media star then decided to switch gears a bit and come for one of our Great British dishes.
KJordy said: "Number four is the food and it's bubble and squeak. 'Til this day, I don't know what the hell bubble and squeak is. I don't wanna have dinner and someone puts down bubble and squeak on my plate."
This fella has no idea what he's missing out on due to his bias over British words, does he?
He finished off by saying: "And last but not least is knob – it doesn't really sound right. And you know exactly what I'm thinking when someone first tries to call someone a knob bro. I was like 'nah, this can't be real!'"
As you can imagine, most people in the UK weren't super supportive of his opinions about our jargon, although people did kindly explain some of the phrases he didn't understand in the comments.
One said: "It's bOllocks, and it means testicles. Just for clarity."
Another wrote: "Prefer saying bloody than period like Americans do."
A third added: "Knob doesn't sound right in your accent. It sounds more insulting in a British accent."
While a fourth chimed in: "You replace the word f***ing with bloody when you're around children."
Essentially, it seems KJordy has taken issue with five of our favourite words in the English language. B*llocks.