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Brits reveal the 'magic number' salary that makes someone 'rich'

Brits reveal the 'magic number' salary that makes someone 'rich'

The salary which makes a person feel wealthy in each area has been published

Brits have opened up about how much they would need to earn in order to feel 'rich'.

I mean, the idea of what wealth looks like really does differ from person to person.

While everyone does have bills to pay, some people would consider their health to be their wealth, and others, instead, might point to their car collection.

And that's not a dig, it's just what you're into.

Meanwhile, one in five workers have had no change in their pay since the start of the cost of living crisis in 2021.

Job search site Indeed sampled 2,000 people in their new study, which showed that more than two in five said they were struggling to make ends meet.

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(Getty Stock Images)

Jack Kennedy, senior economist at Indeed, said: "After grappling with the cost of living crisis for over two years, it's no surprise that wages are front of mind for voters.

"There's a clear call from the British people for the elected Government to further ease financial pressures, and we'd expect this to remain front of mind for the public long after the winning party is decided.

"Although many have been faced with pay freezes, the Indeed wage tracker shows that posted wage growth for new hires rose to a four-month high of 6.5 per cent year-on-year in May, showing that in certain sectors, there are opportunities for workers to receive higher wages."

That being said, we've all heard that saying: "Everyone has their price," and it seems Brits have revealed how much money they would need to earn to be considered rich.

The survey showed that earning £96,000 would be the 'magic amount' to make the average person feel wealthy.

And joint households would require a combined salary of more than £115,500 a year in order to be classed as well-off, according to the responses.

What salary is considered wealthy in your area?

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(Getty Stock Images)

East of England - £94,057

Greater London - £103.421

East Midlands - £97,417

West Midlands - £93,825

North East - £88,535

North West - £94,735

Northern Ireland - £100,927

Scotland - £106,520

South East - £96,174

South West - £87,252

Wales - £96,383

Yorkshire and the Humber - £86,376

Average UK salary by city

London - £36,184

Edinburgh - £32,240

Bristol - £30,867

Cardiff - £30,230

Reading - £29,927

Coventry - £29,476

Brighton - £29,144

Leeds - £29,000

Glasgow - £28,836

Portsmouth - £28,573

Southampton - £28,539

Derby - £28,442

Sheffield - £28,373

Liverpool - £28,289

Newcastle - £28,044

Manchester - £27,217

Birmingham - £27,175

Plymouth - £26,820

Bradford - £26,216

Hull - £25,396

Nottingham - £23,377

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: UK News, Money