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Bananas 'worth £24 million' appear all over English village
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Bananas 'worth £24 million' appear all over English village

You could say the place has gone bananas

In the book Three Men in a Boat the picturesque Berkshire village of Sonning is described as 'the most fairy-like little nook on the whole river'.

These days a more fitting description would be 'full of bananas duct taped to walls'.

It turns out that an artist named Impro has decided to take inspiration from a bafflingly valuable artistic installation called Comedian which featured a banana duct taped to a wall.

Quite why this was such a valuable piece of artwork I have no idea, but one of them was bought for £5 million by a guy who then proceeded to eat the banana.

Bananas on walls are all the rage in the modern art community. (Impro)
Bananas on walls are all the rage in the modern art community. (Impro)

According to the Reading Chronicle, Impro has claimed responsibility for taping the bananas all over Sonning and stuck a hefty price tag on his artwork.

"Enough of the japes and pranks!" the artist told the local paper.

"This time I have graced Sonning with bona fide, international standard fine art worth in total £24.8 million at auction.

"The sale of just one of these masterpieces would be more than enough to get them their new church roof and to Sonningians I would say, 'You're welcome!'"

It's not the first time the artist has set something up in the village, having previously set up a cash machine, phone box, urinal and door in various spots around the place.

Despite the artist valuing their installations at £24.8 million it might be tough to reach quite those levels if the modern art banana installation market has already peaked.

This took an artist with vision, creativity and enough duct tape to stick bananas to walls. (Impro)
This took an artist with vision, creativity and enough duct tape to stick bananas to walls. (Impro)

On top of that there's always the risk that someone will have eaten some of the bananas they've found taped to various surfaces around the town.

Even if the natural human instinct when encountering a suspicious banana taped to a wall is to let it be and move on there's always a chance that some peckish passer-by will have pilfered the plentiful source of potassium and eaten it down.

Given the high valuation of the art work each bite is probably another chunk of the church roof that won't be paid for.

It's an impressive bit of work from Impro to put this all together and co-ordinate the erection of multiple banana-based artworks around Sonning.

A major piece of artwork is the sort of thing that can put a picturesque village on the map, so here's hoping that the bananas can bring a boost to the village and help raise some money for that church roof.

Featured Image Credit: Impro

Topics: UK News, Art, Food And Drink