Police were shocked when they were searching a house, only to find an undressed suspect inside a sofa.
It's something you'll have to see to believe, as the Bedfordshire police turned up at a home in Potton with a warrant to arrest the man in question at about 7:20am on Friday (11 October) morning.
After searching the premises, the authorities couldn't find the Brit anywhere, until they thought outside of the box.
Have a look here:
It's something out of an SNL skit, but it did really happen, with the local authority taking to Facebook to post the footage along with a description.
They wrote: "We’ve seen some things in our time, but we must say this is a first!
"This morning while executing a warrant in Potton, our Biggleswade Community Policing Team thought there was nothing more to be found in the property bar a friendly dog.
"Upon a closer search, officers found the suspect tucked into the base of his sofa.
"We thought the man would be more comfortable tucked into bed, so he’ll be spending the next few hours in a custody cell – little less of a squeeze that way," they concluded.
Nothing like a sleeping joke followed by a serious statement about his arrest, but fair play to the search team for finding him in the end.

You may be forgiven for wondering what they were doing when flipping the sofa over, but a slit in the bottom revealed the man, in the brace position in his underwear, doing his best 'if I don't move, they won't see me' impression.
They then hurried him out and completed the arrest. Look at that snapshot, such a lovely sight first thing in the morning.
"Oh, look who's hiding in the sofa?" the search team member said.
We applaud him for not bursting into laughter.
After that, the rest of the viral clip was blurred to keep anonymity, as the Bedfordshire Police released no further information about the arrest 'for operational reasons'.

Viewers on social media loved the clip, as one user said: "Bet he was ace at hide n seek as a kid!"
Another commented: "Thank goodness he had underwear on" - agreed.
A third added: "That puts a new twist on looking for coins down the back of the sofa!"
A different user joked: "The dog must’ve given them a clue to look there!"
Points for effort, but it's time in the slammer for you, pal.
Topics: Crime, UK News, Viral, Social Media