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British tourist drowns while diving at well-known Greek shipwreck

British tourist drowns while diving at well-known Greek shipwreck

The Brit was visiting the popular spot outside of Thessaloniki

A British tourist has drowned while diving at a well-known Greek shipwreck.

According to local media, the 33-year-old has tragically died following the incident yesterday afternoon (30 June).

The man was diving at the Epanomi Shipwreck in northern Greece, about a 50 minute drive away from Thessaloniki.

Currently unnamed, it's said he ran into some trouble due to 'rough seas' in the area following a bout of bad weather.

The Brit was then reportedly pulled from the sea by a fellow swimmer as emergency services were called.

The Brit was visiting the popular attraction. (Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
The Brit was visiting the popular attraction. (Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

However, SL Press reports that the ambulance crew were sadly unable to resuscitate him and the man died at the scene.

The Port Authority of Michaniona is now investigating the incident and a postmortem will be carried out as the deceased was taken to the Hippocrates Hospital.

The Epanomi Shipwreck is a popular spot for snorkelling as both locals and tourists visit the remains of the 1970s ship.

It is said to be one of the most popular beaches near the city of Thessaloniki with crystal-clear blue-green waters and the wreck often visible above the water at low tide.

While the wreck itself is a popular spot for diving near to the shore, local media suggests it tends to be avoided by swimmers during spells of bad weather

Featured Image Credit: Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Topics: Travel, UK News