A pub landlady has revealed the latest update after a couple fled the restaurant without paying.
A couple were shamed online by a landlady after appearing to run off with their children without paying for their meals and drinks at The Smithy Arms pub in Malton, Swinton.
The pub's landlady took to social media in a scathing post, sharing images of the couple running to their vehicle in the pub's car park and driving away.

Landlady Lisa McMasters' Facebook post led to the couple being recognised by several users, the pair later identified as 32-year-old Ruby and 33-year-old Suzy.
The caption read: "How nice of you to come for a meal and drinks and run without paying. Staying on a campsite near."
An employee at the pub, as quoted in MailOnline, said the couple came in with 'two young lads' and asked for food.
"It was a busy evening, the floor and tables were busy but there is a conservatory at the back and we found them a table there," the employee continued.
According to the pub worker, the family-of-four were asked if they wanted dessert after finishing their meal and drinks, but the couple said they didn't and said they'd 'be up shortly to pay at the bar' but then left and were last spotted on CCTV 'running for their car'.
"The bill was for £56 and unfortunately it went unpaid," the employee added.

In a since-deleted post to Instagram, one of the woman claimed they 'had to dash' because of a 'personal emergency'.
"Usually I'd ignore ridiculous online hate, but this also involves my children so I'm just popping on to say that last night we had a delicious meal and experienced brilliant service at The Smithy Arms in Swinton, but sadly our visit was cut short," they explained.
While they planned on calling the pub up straight after to 'let them know the situation,' the couple discovered they had 'zero bloody reception' at the campsite and so had to wait.
Although, the mum assured the family did 'clear the bill' and also gave the pub a 'generous tip' by way of apology.
"There are no hard feelings between myself and the lovely people at The Smithy Arms, yet the internet has gone nuts. A misunderstanding that got enormously blown out of proportion, followed by a homophobic and body-shaming witch hunt," the post read.

Pub landlady McMasters has since confirmed the whole incident has been resolved, telling the MailOnline the couple have 'been in and apologised and explained their situation'.
She said: "We're glad the matter has been settled and as far as we're concerned that's the end of it."
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Topics: Food And Drink, Money, Social Media, UK News