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Drivers who make mistake on rainy days could be fined £5,000

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Drivers who make mistake on rainy days could be fined £5,000

It's a simple thing to avoid, especially when the punishment is so high

As the weather gets wetter and windier drivers on Britain's roads will have to be careful of one simple mistake which can lead them to being fined £5,000.

There are all sorts of errors you can make on the road without even realising it.

Just think, could you pass your driving test all over again after having years of experience behind the wheel under your belt?

It's harder than you might assume, or maybe that's just the guy we sent to give it a go.

Some people are divided over what counts as a mistake on the roads while others keep making seemingly small errors which can still land them with a fine.

Don't do it bus driver, don't you dare...
Getty Stock Photo

Since it's chucking it down most days at this time of year, coupled with the imminent onset of the festive season, there'll be more and more cars clogging up the roads.

According to the Daily Mirror the peak period for traffic accidents is between November and January, so any tomfoolery while driving can be punished severely.

So what is this terrible mistake which could land you with a fine of up to £5,000 on rainy days?

It's actually a pretty simple error and you've probably done it yourself at some point while driving.

If you get caught doing it intentionally you could be fined up to £5,000.
Getty Stock Photo

It's splashing pedestrians by driving through puddles, as according to the Road Traffic Act 1988 that counts as driving 'without reasonable consideration for other persons'.

Now, to be punished you'd likely have to be judged to be driving deliberately through puddles with the goal of splashing pedestrians with water.

While you could get away with a fixed penalty notice of £100 and three points on your drivers licence, the maximum penalty for doing this is £5,000.

Just as long as you're not driving through puddles looking for people's days to ruin you should be alright but it's best to spare yourself and everyone else the hassle.

You can be hit with a fine of up to £5,000 for other things too, as plummeting temperatures mean you'll soon have to be scraping the ice off your car.

In the most serious of cases of not doing it five grand is the maximum fine and you could get as many as nine points on your licence.

You can even end up with points on your driving licence.
Getty Stock Photo

Another thing to consider is what you're wearing while you drive.

We're not talking about whether it's time to invest in some stylish driving gloves.

You can get in trouble for wearing bulky items of clothing which stop you from driving properly, so big puffy coats or thick gloves that mess with this ability are a no-no.

Unfortunately it's getting to that time of year when it's time to break out the big coat and gloves, so maybe make sure the heating is on in your car.

Drive safe.

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock images

Topics: UK News, Cars