Not to alarm you, but the possibility of a nuclear war may be growing what with all the turmoil and conflict in the world.
Let's all hope it doesn't happen, but just in case it did there's some things you'd be wanting to know to maximise your chances of survival.
So, what would you need to survive a nuclear disaster?
First off, you'd need a whole heap of luck to be in the right location before anything else needed attending to.
In the event of a nuclear blast targeted at the UK by another nation, say for sake of argument Russia, then quite a lot of people would be killed in the blast or die pretty quickly from the radiation.
In fact, a global thermonuclear war might wipe out billions of lives within the first three days as the bombs drop and get most of the world's population killed.
Should Vladimir Putin decide to cap off his existence of being a monstrous pile of excrement by launching nuclear weapons then as well as the cities, certain towns with a connection to the military would likely be on the target list.
You would want to be somewhere away from a major population centre, transport hub or really anything of importance.

There are some spots in the UK which would fit that description, but they're remote and less likely to be nuked for a reason as they don't have much in the way of cool stuff to do.
Meanwhile, if you're not burned into cinders by the bombs, then the government's Prepare website has some advice for dealing with the radioactive fallout.
The basic advice is 'Go in. Stay in. Tune in', effectively meaning you should go indoors, stay there and keep tabs on the news and official government communications.
Of course, many of the people responsible for telling you what's going on in the world will likely be living in the target zones for the bombs, so information might be sporadic.
As for what you'd need to pack, you're recommended to have a torch, a portable power back, a radio with spare batteries, a first aid kit, bottled water, non-perishable food and wet wipes prepared.

Food and water may seem obvious, but the wet wipes will be particularly useful for washing parts of your body that were uncovered and may have been exposed to radiation.
You'll also need to be prepared to get rid of all the clothing you were wearing when exposed to radiation, as that could end up killing you.
From then on your options are of dying of radioactivity or one of many other ways you might perish, or souping up your car and embracing your role as some sort of Mad Max-esque road warrior.
However unhelpful this advice may seem, remember it's better than the crap they were telling people back in the 70s.
Topics: UK News, World News