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Boy, 15, left in vegetative state after flipping off pier will never recover from accident

Boy, 15, left in vegetative state after flipping off pier will never recover from accident

Jack Dolan had done the stunt numerous times before the accident

A 15-year-old boy has been left in a ‘vegetative state’ after doing a flip off a pier.

The young boy, named Jack Dolan, has now been left with 'no quality of life' after jumping from Stone Pier in Margate, Kent, and landing face first in the water on June 23.

According to reports, he 'overspun' and landed 'face first on the water' during his stunt, which he had done numerous times before the incident.

However, on the fateful day, he spent eight minutes under the water before being pulled out by a kayaker.

Jack Dolan jumped off a pier in Margate, landing face first and being underwater for eight minutes. (The Dolan Family)
Jack Dolan jumped off a pier in Margate, landing face first and being underwater for eight minutes. (The Dolan Family)

Unfortunately, by the time he was rescued, he had already gone into cardiac arrest and King's College Hospital in London later found he had sustained severe brain damage.

His family were then told the devastating news that he has just two years to live.

Speaking to MailOnline, his stepfather Dave Dolan said: “It's been our worst nightmare. We're heartbroken. It's sickening. He's alive but it's like he's not there.

"He was my best mate. We cannot explain how cruel all of this is.”

He then added: “I've been by his side since the start, holding his hand.”

Jack tragically has only been given two years to live by doctors. (Triangle News)
Jack tragically has only been given two years to live by doctors. (Triangle News)

The harrowing accident happened when Jack visited the beach at Stone Pier for the first time without parental supervision along with his friends and girlfriend.

Because of his ADHD diagnosis, the parents were protective of him as he wasn’t always able to control his impulses.

His stepfather believed he didn’t understand how high the pier was before he jumped, and was knocked unconscious when he landed face first.

According to reports, the accident has left him brain dead without any signs of activity in his brain stem.

Dave said: “We cannot even begin to understand how this has happened. He was so fit and active. His life was movement and being out and active.

Jack pictured doing a similar flip while on holiday last year. (Triangle News)
Jack pictured doing a similar flip while on holiday last year. (Triangle News)

“He wanted to be in the Royal Marines. He was not an academic kid but he was so active and loved the outdoors and improving himself."

The devastated stepdad went on: “Our lives have turned upside down because of this. It has shattered us.

"He's like a newborn baby. He can't move. There's a heartbeat and that is it. There's no eye contact. He cannot speak.

“His smile was one of his greatest assets and he does not have that now. There's nothing. He had a bright and beaming smile but now that is not there.

“It's horrific. I cannot explain how cruel it is to see and deal with. He will never get it back.

The teenager is now in a vegetative state. (Triangle News)
The teenager is now in a vegetative state. (Triangle News)

"We will never see that smile or hear the laugh again. It's devastating. It was something he loved doing. He had done it so many times before.”

Jack leaves behind his mum Lisa and his two sisters, aged eight and ten.

At the moment, they plan on bringing him home to care for him, with Lisa due to receive palliative care training so that they can handle his necessary healthcare while in his own house, instead of a hospital.

However, it will require specialist equipment that they family will need help with funding - if you'd like to donate to their JustGiving page, click here.

Featured Image Credit: Triangle News

Topics: Health, UK News