Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has lost his seat next to man wearing a baked beans balaclava. Ah yep, another mad election story.
The Tory has sparked yet another wild viral meme after losing his seat to Labour’s Dan Norris in the new North East Somerset and Hanham constituency.
Rees-Mogg ended up standing next to Phin 'Barmy Brunch' Adams of the Monster Raving Loony Party at the University of Bath campus as the winning candidate for the area was announced.
Sporting his famed bean balaclava, Barmy Brunch celebrated picking up 211 votes as the Tory applauded him.
Surely one of the best pictures of the night? (Finnbarr Webster/Getty Images) Rees-Mogg was elected as the MP for North East Somerset in 2010, 2015, 2017 and 2019 – when he achieved 50.4% of the vote and had a majority of 14,729.
But the dad-of-six has now been unseated by Labour’s West of England mayor Norris, who won 20,739 votes compared to 15,420 for Sir Jacob. Turnout for the poll was 69.38%. Yep, Mogg-xit indeed.
The 55-year-old Arch-Brexiteer, congratulated both Norris and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, who he said he 'led his party to what seems to be a historic victory'.
He added: “And one final thought, from Caractacus Potts, and that is from the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success. So thank you very much everybody, and good night.”
Caractacus Potts is one of the main characters in Ian Fleming’s novel and film Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang. The song, 'The Roses of Success', is featured in the movie. And he's one of many, many Tories to have lost their seat - bean men involved or not.
Sunak's no longer Prime Minister. Ouch. (PA) Yep, in an embarrassing sweep of results for the Tories, the Labour party has won the general election.
If he's not done so already, Starmer will now be packing up his things to move to No.10 Downing Street as our new prime minister.
Although he did manage to keep hold of his own seat, Rishi Sunak suffered the indignity of being pranked by one of his fellow candidates in his Richmond seat.
Not wearing a bean balaclava however, footage shows YouTuber Niko Omilana - who previously ran to become London mayor - holding up a piece of paper with an 'L' written across it.
If Barmy Brunch had somehow won the seat in North East Somerset and Hanham, he told SomersetLive he wanted to 'MAKE BRUNCH GREAT AGAIN'. Ah well, hope he gets a nice big bowl of beans this morning.