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Moment learner driver 'fails test in just 20 seconds' after illegal move

Moment learner driver 'fails test in just 20 seconds' after illegal move

Driving test nerves get the best of us all

Passing the dreaded practical driving test can be one of the most stressful experiences a person can go through.

After spending hundreds of pounds on lessons and waiting for months to get a highly coveted test slot, the last thing you want to do is fail on a small mistake and have to wait another six months for another shot at getting your pink license.

Having the pressure of all of this weighing heavy on your mind it's understandable why mistakes happen - that's why you're allowed 15 minor faults are allowed after all - but there has to be a line somewhere.

Unfortunately for this young learner who was running through a mock examination with Pin Binning - known as DGN Driving on YouTube and TikTok - his failed within seconds of setting off. Take a look:

In the video, Pin tells viewers the young man - named Lamar - has travelled up to Wolverhampton, UK, to take the test and has never driven in the car or the area before.

So it's understandable that nerves got the better of him on this occasion.

The test began with Lamar setting off and approaching a T junction, where Pin instructed him to turn left.

Lamar already struggled with breaking too hard in the street and initially indicated right instead of left - which Pin didn't mark him down for.

However, his serious fail came just seconds after, when he attempted to pull out onto the main road.

Lamar was new to the area he was driving in, which any driver will know is always a bit daunting. (YouTube/DGN Driving)
Lamar was new to the area he was driving in, which any driver will know is always a bit daunting. (YouTube/DGN Driving)

Due to the parked cars on the main road, traffic approaching from the left would have to pull onto Lamar's side to avoid them, which is allowed when overtaking an obstruction.

Lamar failed to notice the traffic approaching from the left as he pulled out, causing one of the cars to slow down to avoid hitting him.

This goes against the guidelines of the UK driving test, which outlines that learners must not cause another vehicle to slow down or change direction.

The highway code also states that when joining a major road, the traffic already on the road has priority.

Pin went on to explain his reasons for failing Lamar, acknowledging that it may appear 'harsh' to give him a major fault.

The student failed for not stopping at a junction. (YouTube/DGN Driving)
The student failed for not stopping at a junction. (YouTube/DGN Driving)

"I know a lot of you may think this is harsh to mark as a serious driving fault," he said. "But the fact is, when you emerge onto the main road, you shouldn't be slowing other vehicles down at all."

He added: "When Lamar decides to emerge, there was a vehicle approaching from the left, that had to slow down because of us."

Lamar isn't the only person to have made an obvious mistake on a driving test though, as causing other drivers to change their speed or direction is listed on the government's website as one of the most common test fails.

Oh well, failing a driving test is all part of character building after all, right?

Featured Image Credit: DGN Driving

Topics: Cars, Driving, UK News