You could be hit with a £50 fine on the spot for making this simple mistake on a roundabout in the UK.
Millions of drivers have been warned that presuming this rule on the Highway Code - which many don't see as important - could land them with a fine.
According to a survey conducted by Compare the Market, a calculated 6 million people could be affected by dismissing this important thing.
We have seen many new rules in the Highway Code recently, such as pedestrians taking priority when a car is turning at a junction - and the safe passing distance when overtaking bikes.

But this rule has applied in the UK for as long as we have been driving, it’s just a common thing people ignore.
The mistake drivers have been warned about is failing to give way to the right at a roundabout instead of trying to chance it and put your foot down, hoping you can sneak in the gap.
But people have been warned that this isn’t just inconsiderate driving, it could land you with a hefty fine there and then if caught doing so.
The survey also revealed that a quarter of people didn’t know how to signal properly either.
In the Highway Code, rule 185 states that we should: “Always give priority to the traffic coming from the right, unless you have been directed otherwise by signs, road markings or traffic lights."
Another interesting thing to note, that we have probably all done by accident is that this includes driving over mini roundabouts.
The survey concluded that over half of UK license holders (55%) are at risk of the same £50 fine for driving over them.

The Highway Code also states: “It is important to remember that all vehicles must pass round the central markings, unless they are too large to do so.
“You will find that when driving around mini-roundabouts there is less room to manoeuvre and less time to signal, so take extra care."
Reflecting on the investigation, Julie Daniels, from Compare the Market, said: "Although you can take the same precautions at a roundabout as you would at any other junction, using a roundabout is considered a complex manoeuvre - it's eye-opening to find out how many drivers are unaware of the correct signals and manoeuvres, or simply ignore the rules put in place to keep themselves and other road users safe.”
She added: “We encourage drivers to refresh their knowledge of proper procedures when using a roundabout junction to prevent fines and avoid any potential accidents.”