A British woman has explained her family's decision to uproot their lives in the UK and move across the pond to America's sunshine state.
Julie Barnes, her husband and their five children are set to move from Bath in the south of England over to Florida in the US.
She's explained her thinking through her TikTok account @livingthefloridadream7, labelling their home life as 'depressing' and saying that their move across the Atlantic has been a 'dream'.
Everything's already been sorted, from their new home to visas and work.
Julie's husband, Sam, has obtained an E2 investment visa, allowing them to live in the country for at least five years while he sets up his landscaping business.
It looks a bit nicer than Bath, in all fairness (Getty Stock Photo) The family have also switched out their three bedroom new build in the UK for a five-bedroom mansion with a swimming pool and much more space in the US.
In a video on social media, the mum explained the reasons for their relocation, saying: "The weather, It's so cold, wet and grey most of the year with only a small glimpse of summer. It makes you feel so depressed," a sentiment most of us can agree with."
She also listed the cost of living crisis as a deciding factor, adding that 'working stupid hours' isn't worth it at the end of the day and that 'you're better off not working' when it comes down to it.
But that's not all, as the TikToker also admitted that the family have annual passes to Disney World, which is one of the positives that they'll enjoy while living in Florida.
She has also criticised the health system in the UK, complaining about how long it has taken to book a dentist appointment, as she claims it's been over a year.
The content creator pointed out that she has children on the autistic spectrum that aren't getting the help they need in the British education system.
Despite criticism from some viewers, she explained that they have regularly visited Florida, including during a hurricane, and is unfazed by the prospect of living there, having 'done her research'.
She revealed in the comments of one of her video that there wasn't 'much difference' between her home in the UK and her new house in the US.
She is adamant that it's the right decision for her family (TikTok/livingthefloridadream7) Julie even shared a comparison video of her street in Bath compared to Florida, with the change in weather being the main takeaway.
Users took to the comments to share what they thought, as one wrote: "Why is UK so grey man?"
Another said: "Moving to Florida at the moment is an insane choice."
While a third added: "Aside from better weather it doesn’t really have any other positives for me."