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UK’s first Cybertruck is now on sale for but it will cost a staggering amount

UK’s first Cybertruck is now on sale for but it will cost a staggering amount

A silver version of Elon Musk's vehicle is currently on AutoTrader

The UK's first Tesla Cybertruck is now on sale, but it certainly doesn't come cheap.

While the bizarre-looking trucks have been on sale in the US since late November last year, Tesla's futuristic vehicle has yet to be seen on UK soil... well, that is until now.

A silver 2024 version of Elon Musk's vehicle is currently being sold on Autotrader for the first time in the UK.

Listed by Auto Export, the description for the imported car reads, as per The Sun: “Discover the future of driving with the Tesla Cybertruck, Unleash the power of innovation with the all-new Tesla Cybertruck.

“Designed to defy expectations and redefine what a truck can be, the Cybertruck combines futuristic aesthetics with unmatched performance."

The vehicle features 'armour glass' which is ultra strong and designed to 'absorb impact force for unparalleled protection'.

It also has the ability to accelerate 0-60mph in less than three seconds.

The Cybertruck - listed for a staggering £145,995 - is Elon Musk's vehicle of the future, and it certainly looks like something from a dystopian reality.

The UK's first Cybertruck is on sale via Autotrader. (Lindsey Nicholson/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
The UK's first Cybertruck is on sale via Autotrader. (Lindsey Nicholson/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

But this could cause a bit of a problem when it comes to whether the vehicle will pass UK safety laws.

In Britain, regulations say the front of a vehicle must be designed to protect pedestrians in the case of a collision, can't be sharp or too angular and can't have bits sticking out which could injure someone.

Co-owner of Auto Export, Imran Dam, explained that the company have approximately six of the vehicles, but are currently waiting on a decision from the DVLA about whether they can be driven on UK roads.

"We are about 70 or 80 percent sure that we will get the go-ahead from the DVLA that the Cybertruck can be driven on roads in this country," he told The Sun.

“It is just a case of waiting for a decision now. They haven't said 'no' so far, so that is a good sign.

It's not clear whether the futuristic vehicle will pass UK safety laws. (Tristar Media/Getty Images)
It's not clear whether the futuristic vehicle will pass UK safety laws. (Tristar Media/Getty Images)

"I understand that Tesla is working hard behind the scenes with some modifications that would make it suitable for here, because at the moment the angular design may not pass our safety regulations as it currently is.

"If it gets the thumbs up, then we would look at another issue, which is the weight, and see how we can work with the government on that.

“But we don't want to run before we can walk. If the government says it's ok, we can have the vehicles in the UK in 20 days. It's very exciting.

“There is massive interest in the Cybertruck among UK drivers, and we have had dozens of calls about it."

Featured Image Credit: Lindsey Nicholson/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images / Gado/Getty Images

Topics: Elon Musk, Tesla, Cars