An investigation into 'nicotine free' vapes has made a worrying find with Brits warned that they might not be buying what they think they're buying.
Trading Standards has looked into the supposedly nicotine free vapes as part of something called Operation Joseph, an initiative funded by the Department of Health and Social Care to look into the sale of illicit vapes and selling vapes to underage customers.
Various teams tested 76 different vape products which were being advertised to Brits as 'nicotine free' and found that around one in eight of these actually did contain around the same amount of nicotine as you'd find in a pack of 20 cigarettes.
A total of 10 of the tested products which claimed to be 'nicotine free' were found to not only contain nicotine but break the amount of e-liquid allowed in vapes.
Two of these products being advertised as coming without nicotine also broke the limits on nicotine strength, so there's a danger that Brits buying vapes which claim not to contain the addictive and harmful substance are actually brimming with the stuff.

National Trading Standards chairman Lord Michael Bichard said: “Nicotine-free vapes can be a useful tool to quit smoking and reduce nicotine dependency, but these findings reveal that people can actually continue to be stuck in a cycle of addiction if sold the highly-addictive substance unknowingly.
“Businesses should be aware vapes falsely claiming to be nicotine free are in circulation and should make sure they are not breaking the law by selling products that are falsely advertised, especially where they are importing goods or acting as the main UK distributor.
“I urge businesses and consumers to be vigilant and report suspected cases to the Citizens Advice consumer service by calling 0808 223 1133.”
Alex Fry, operations officer for Heart of the South West Trading Standards, said: “We are pleased to have contributed to and helped co-ordinate the sampling of this project.

“We recognise how important it is for regulators and legislators to have up-to-date intelligence on what products are being supplied to consumers.
“Trading Standards are at the forefront of ensuring products comply with legal requirements and we hope that the findings will provide valuable intelligence, and help shape the future regulation of cigarettes, tobacco and vapes.”
Vaping starts damaging your body the instant you do it, and while it has been praised as a less harmful alternative to smoking there is a danger that people will pick up the unhealthy habit even if they weren't ever going to get involved with cigarettes.
Even in the case of vapes which actually don't contain nicotine, a study from the University of Pennsylvania has found that even if you're not sucking down the harmful substance on a regular basis vaping will still hamper your vascular function.