If you've still got one of those burgundy passports then you'd best be aware that the clock is ticking to get it renewed.
You might already be drawing up plans for your summer holiday, or are perhaps just looking wistfully at flights you wish you had the disposable income for, but your hopes will be scuppered if your passport is out of date.
For some journeys, it'll need to be valid for a few months before the actual expiration date, as people have had their holidays ruined by being close to the time when they had to get a new one and being stopped at the border.
And if you're heading into Europe, then your red passport may also contain a feature which could trip you up and spoil your trip.
Some of the older passports are actually valid for 10 years and nine months, but this could pose a problem (Getty Stock Photo) Some passports issued before September 2018 may be officially valid for 10 years and nine months, but if you're travelling to an EU country or Norway, Switzerland, Iceland or Liechtenstein, then you must ensure the ID is less than 10 years old.
Your passport could be a way off expiry, but if it's a little too old then your travel plans could still be thrown into doubt.
All passports issued before September 2018 are going to be the burgundy ones and millions of Brits still have them despite the new blue ones being available.
Even if it hasn't expired and has months left to go, just make sure it's not 10 years old to avoid being caught short.
If you want to enter the EU and some other countries you'll need a passport less than 10 years old, even if it's still valid (Getty Stock Photo) On top of the need not to have your holiday plans ruined by an expired passport, there's also the fact that the cost of getting a new one is set to increase.
Last year the cost of renewing your passport online climbed from £82.50 to £88.50, and this year the price is set to rise again from £88.50 to £94.50 for adults.
The changes kick in on 10 April, and the cost of an online application for children is going up from £57.50 to £61.50 as well.
Doing your passport by post is getting more expensive too, going from £100 to £107 for adults and £69 to £74 for children.
Basically, if you didn't need another reason to renew your passport then doing it now to save a few quid is just extra incentive.
Just think how many Freddos you could buy with the money you save, then lament that they're no longer 10p.