In a move no-one could have ever have predicted, Jeremy Clarkson has hit out at weather forecasters for talking too much about climate change.
The former Top Gear presenter took to his column in The Sun to rant against forecasters, accusing them of not reporting the weather and instead focusing too much on the impending climate disaster.
Clarkson labelled the profession, which has existed since 1861, 'green propaganda'.
The petrolhead went on to rail against any suggestion of climate change, dismissing the devastating wildfires in Rhodes as being the work of 'arsonists' and not a heatwave. Because - of course - scorching heat rendering everything bone dry would not have contributed to a small fire exploding out of control in the slightest. That would be unthinkable.
He even went on to accuse people of 'mangling' statistics, and using the weather forecast as a 'political weapon'.
Activists campaigning to fight climate change, and possibly the entire scientific community, might take a dim view and point out that collapses in food chains, dust bowls, and rising sea temperatures aren't so much 'political' as an 'existential threat to life as we know it', but whatever. Clarkson's gonna Clarkson.
The TV presenter's red-faced rant came after he claimed that farmers had to fork out to take in a harvest early after reports of a massive storm approaching the UK.
The forecast storm never actually hit the UK, leaving Clarkson fuming.
He ranted: "On Tuesday morning, even though my crops were not really ready, and the moisture content was still too high, I fired up the combine and got to work.
"Yes, I’d have to pay £10 a ton to dry the grain after it was harvested but better to take that hit than have the whole lot ruined by the storm.
"We worked tirelessly until 11pm and when I finally crawled into bed, utterly exhausted, I noticed that all of my neighbouring farmers were still out here, doing the same thing."
Some might argue that it's better to err on the side of caution with weather such as storms if the evidence is there.
Meanwhile, statistics released recently have shown a dramatic rise in the surface temperature of the Atlantic Ocean. This is a problem because the oceans are extremely good at absorbing heat.
If you have a pot of water on the stove, it takes a lot of energy to get it to boil. The problem is once it starts to boil, there is nowhere for that heat to go.
So if our oceans can no longer absorb heat, this could have a big knock-on impact on the Earth's ability to regulate temperature.
That could put something of a dampener on Clarkson's - or any farmer's - hopes of growing crops.
Topics: News, UK News, Environment