New York City could one day have a skyscraper that dangles upside down from an asteroid.
Yeah, you read that correctly.
The Analemma skyscraper was proposed by an architecture firm in New York who wanted to create a totally unique building.
The huge structure would hold apartments (with a gigantic price tag) and would be accessible by drone.

But instead of being fixed to Earth, the block of apartments would be suspended from an asteroid.
Now, it might sound like something completely bonkers and made up - or at the very least, the plot of a movie - but this is an actual real proposal by a company called Clouds Architecture Office.
Obviously it's nowhere near being built, but they truly believe it's possible.
“Going back to the earliest known structures, we can see a clear pattern emerging,” said the firm in a statement.
“We are in the process of dislodging ourselves from the planet’s surface.”

So how would it work?
As we know, asteroids orbit the sun, so the skyscraper will always be on the move.
The plan would be to build it in Dubai, but launch it in NYC. The asteroid would then orbit the sun and return to the same spot each day.
Meanwhile, the people residing in the apartments would be able to move between space and Earth using an electromagnetic elevator.
Power would be provided via solar panels and water would come from the surrounding clouds.
"Analemma can be placed in an eccentric geosynchronous orbit which would allow it to travel between the northern and southern hemispheres on a daily loop," the company explains.
"The ground trace for this pendulum tower would be a figure eight, where the tower would move at its slowest speed at the top and bottom of the figure eight allowing the possibility for the towers occupants to interface with the planet’s surface at these points.
"The proposed orbit is calibrated so the slowest part of the towers trajectory occurs over New York City."

Of course, it's not all that simple.
One major problem is that it would be absolutely freezing at the top of the tower and as of yet, there simply aren't cables strong enough to suspend the building.
However, the company believes that one day it could be possible.
We're not quite sure what the benefits of living in the tower would be, but it's certainly an interesting concept.