A couple who bought their nine-year-old a pet octopus he had been begging for warned others not to follow suit unless they want to 'lose sleep and your kids' college fund simultaneously' - but they still wouldn't have changed it for the world.
Cameron Clifford and his partner finally gave into their son Cal's constant pleas to get an eight-legged pal in October last year to satisfy his octopus obsession, which first began when he was three-years-old.
"Every birthday, every Christmas, every holiday, he would always say: 'All I want is an octopus'," the dad, 36, told The New York Times.
The octopus-themed toys and clothing just weren't cutting it anymore and Cal's parents reckoned the youngster was finally ready to care for the animal - which is how the little cutie named Terrance ended up being an honorary Clifford.
The tentacled creature moved into their home in Edmond, Oklahoma, and lived in a tank in the nine-year-old's bedroom - but the little boy managed to name the animal before they found out it was actually a female.

The family started documenting their journey as octopus owners on TikTok and shared a video in March this year explaining that Terrance didn't seem herself, before they later realised she was actually hatching around 50 eggs.
Yes, you're right - that does mean that the Clifford's were stuck with dozens of baby octopuses to take care of.
The family explained in a video at the time: "We had been with Terrance approximately two months prior to her laying eggs. This signals the end of the female bimac's lifespan.
"Whether or not the female mates, she will lay approximately 40 to 70 eggs. Fertilised or not, she will constantly protect them, ignoring the need to eat, and take care of herself."
As Cameron had warned, Terrance was living on borrowed time now that she was becoming a mother.
Experts said the eggs were unfertilised and simply a sign that the octopus was coming to the end of its life.
Sadly, the eight-legged social media star - who had over 450,000 followers - sadly passed away on 22 April, 2024, with the Clifford's posting a poignant tribute online to their late pet.

They explained: "We placed her in a box with all the things that remind us of her. Cal chose to bury her next to this group of trees because it reminded him of octopus tentacles.
"It was, understandably, a very sad day. After laying eggs, Terrance lived another astounding 135 days.
"Cal chose the name Terrance after a rebellious character in a book he had recently read. For many reasons, I always thought it was an odd name for an octopus.
"I assumed it to be irony, stemming from the Latin word Terra, meaning earth and land. But the name Terrance in Latin actually means soft and smooth.
"Life can be sad but still full of meaning and even though this tank now sits empty, this sleeping boy [Cal] just three feet from it, now feels his soul a little more full. So much joy from a not so tiny octopus."
Despite the fact Terrance had somewhat destroyed their home - which has been taken over by tanks for her babies, while being damaged by water spills and small electrical fires - they adored her being a member of their brood.

"It's a lot of work. A lot of work and emotion and money and time," Cameron previously explained, adding that he'd been reaching out to various aquariums and research facilities for help in caring for the babies.
The family have so far been able to keep around half of the babies alive, a figure much higher than average - which has left researchers stumped, with Cameron saying experts were 'astonished by that fact that we were able to get such a high yield in a kid's bathroom'.
Social media users were left gutted by the news of Terrance's passing and said they hoped that the Clifford's could care for some of her children to keep her close by.
One person said: "This broke my whole heart! Thank you so much for sharing her with us. I've learned so much and gained a new appreciation for octopus. Rest in paradise Terrance."
Another wrote: "Awe rest easy sweet Terrance. We were all so lucky to have taken this journey with you!"
A third added: "Can't believe I'm crying over an octopus I never met. What a wonderful life your family gave her, thanks for sharing your story."
While a fourth chimed in: "You guys were so good to Terrance...finding your TikTok was so heartwarming. The most wholesome content."
Topics: Animals, TikTok, US News, Viral, Parenting, Science, Social Media