Last month, a wildly extravagant wedding went viral on TikTok with the bride and groom even having a private concert from Maroon 5.
But after headlines over the £46 million ‘wedding of the century’, the new-husband could now be facing decades in prison.
Madelaine Brockway and long-time boyfriend Jacob LaGrone had millions splashed out on privately flying their American friends and family over to Paris and renting the Palace of Versailles.
But after the 26-year-old’s viral five-day wedding celebration, the Florida car dealership heiress seems to have now deleted her TikTok account with her new husband’s criminal charges pulling in far more attention.
LaGrone allegedly fired at police in Texas back in March and has been charged with aggravated assault against a public servant.
After multiple calls reporting a disturbance, three officers were responding to a home when the man allegedly shot at them.

The 29-year-old appeared at court on Thursday (30 November) with documents indicating he was offered a plea deal of a mega 25 years in prison in exchange for pleading guilty and forgoing a trial.
But it’s said LaGrone could face up to life in prison if he’s convicted of the crime as he faces three first-degree felony counts.
There’s been no official statements from LaGrone’s attorney, Rhett Parham.
According to NBC News, his new wife Brockway did not attend the hearing.
Instead, he’s said to have been accompanied by a private security guard who remained close by throughout.
It’s quite the opposite vibe to the pictures and videos that only went viral on social media about a week before.
Brockway is said to have stayed at the Palace of Versailles during the wedding week, you know the former royal residence in France.

She was kitted out in super high end fashion for the entire trip and there was plenty of champagne being poured throughout the whole thing (and certainly not just the stuff you get at the supermarket).
The bride is the daughter of Bob Brockway, the chairman and CEO of Ussery Automotive Group - a car company overseeing various Mercedes Benz dealerships in Florida.
Back in August, the company sold just two locations for a reportedly whopping $150 million (£119 million) profit.
Plus, the wedding was followed by a wild registry for their guests to buy gifts for the happy couple, including items like a $12.5k (£9.9k) butterfly house and a $125 (£99) dinner plate.
It’s a whole lot of gifts to receive if your husband is about to end up in jail.