Hopefully, you will never have to know what it's like to be homeless. Perhaps you will know that feeling of searching for loose change in your pocket, thinking that even if you can't get someone off the streets, at least you can help ensure they get something to eat. Not every homeless person wants money, though.
David Casarez has taken Twitter by storm after a photo was posted to Twitter, showing him holding a sign asking for people to take his CV instead of giving him money.
He's since been praised for his determination and positive attitude, as the post racks up shares online.
Twitter user FullMakeup Alchemist posted the tweet, confirming that they had David's permission to share the image, and followed up to learn more about his current situation.
FullMakeup Alchemist added: "I just got off the phone with David. We spoke for about an hour. He came to the Silicon Valley with a dream to be successful in tech and has a lot to offer the community. He's sleeping in parks and still trying to get freelance work, interviews and applications in."
Of course, people have flocked to the platform to show support, talk about their own experiences and help out David in whatever they can.
"Thank you for posting," one user tweeted. "I've almost been homeless a couple of times (not an exaggeration). Having no money for food and no place to rest really sucks - it's so awful. My heart seriously goes out to this guy."
Some people have noted his work experience from his CV and have been suitably impressed.
Another Twitter user asked: "With all this experience, how doesn't he have a job?"

This certainly is a touching story. You know that social media can bring out the worst in people - even the President of the United States, Donald Trump, is often accused of not being at his best on the platform - but at least this will restore your faith in humanity for a while.
Best of luck to David! Here's hoping you're cheerfully surveying your first pay cheque from a new job some time soon.
Words by Adnan Riaz