A police appeal to the public for their help in tracking down a wanted man has ended up with everybody having the same suggestion.
Greater Manchester Police have taken to social media to ask people if they've seen 36-year-old Bury resident Shaun Aver, who is wanted on recall to prison.
Usually being recalled to prison means you've been released on probation and broken the rules in some way, meaning you'll end up back behind bars.
Aver is a convicted sex offender who was found to have committed sexual activity with a boy, as part of his probation he is required to register with the police every seven days in accordance with his Sexual Harm Prevention Order.
Police released a picture of the wanted man as part of their appeal so the public would know what he looks like and could have a better chance of identifying him.
However, everyone reckons they already have a pretty good idea of where Shaun might be thanks to the choice of attire in his mugshot.

Absolutely everybody thinks he's probably hiding out in a Greggs, because if you're so devoted to them that you'll wear a t-shirt with their name plastered all over it, you'll probably pop in from time to time.
People started sending the police screenshots of maps with Greggs locations marked out, helpfully providing officers a few places they might want to start looking.
Some suggested they were already seeing police officers patrolling around the vicinity of Greggs.
Loads thought the wanted man should be 'easy enough to spot in that jumper', which was made as part of a collaboration between Greggs and Primark.
Quite a few wanted one for themselves, with one person asking officers 'can you ask him where he bought it'.
Others said they weren't sure whether they'd be more embarrassed to be wanted by the police or have 'recorded evidence of me wearing a Greggs jumper'.

Aware that the man's mugshot is quite the advert for Greggs, Greater Manchester Police themselves wrote that 'other bakery chains are available' in their Facebook appeal.
Greater Manchester Police believe he has links to Manchester city centre, North Manchester, Preston and Cumbria.
If you have seen Shaun Aver, whether it be at a Greggs or somewhere else, the police would like you to call them on 101 and quote log number 3656 of the date 19/12/22.
You can also anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.