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OnlyFans Mum Says Her Kids Were Expelled From School With 24 Hours Notice Via Email

OnlyFans Mum Says Her Kids Were Expelled From School With 24 Hours Notice Via Email

She says they weren't even allowed back to get their things

Tom Wood

Tom Wood

A mum who had her children kicked out of school because of her $150,000 (£107,000) per month OnlyFans career received just 24 hours' notice ahead of their expulsion via an email telling her that her three young kids were no longer welcome at the school.

Crystal Jackson - or Mrs Poindexter as she's know to her army of online fans - started up the account sharing pictures, some of which contain nudity, after sharing a picture on Reddit in an attempt to spice up her relationship with her husband.

However, it quickly snowballed, and now she's been left looking for a new school for her children.

The 44-year-old said the Sacred Heart Parish school in Sacramento, California, sent her an email in which they confirmed the kids would no longer be allowed back onto the premises, even to pick up their things.


CBS13 obtained that email, which read: "Your apparent quest for high profile controversy in support of your adult website is in direct conflict with what we hope to impart to our students."

The email continued: "We, therefore, require that you find another school for your children and have no further association with ours."

It was signed off by principal Theresa Sparks.

The school has so far declined to comment on the matter.

Mrs Jackson claims the problems started after her unusual side-line was discovered by a group of other parents at the school, who began a campaign against her.

She says anonymous letters containing pictures of her content were sent into the school and the diocese in an attempt to expose her.

In the end, it looks as if their efforts worked.


Jackson says the negative attention will not stop her from posting on her OnlyFans, and that she hopes to enrol her children in another Catholic school, although she worries that they may have been blackballed from the whole Sacramento diocese.

Jackson also claims the dads of the school knew all about her work long before the mothers did.

However, one dad broke 'man code' and her secret became public knowledge.

She told LADbible: "There were some dads that had found it, and they were just like, 'Hey, cool, I know who you are, you know who I am, I'm not gonna say anything'.

"But all of a sudden some dad who was just not following man code told his wife and then she just lost her s***, and she told another woman, and she told another woman, and it got into the hands of the main mean girl, and it was like - game on."

Despite the problems for her kids, the story has only served to bolster Crystal's fanbase online, and she claims she's made $100,000 (£71,000) per day on OnlyFans since the story broke.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@the.real.mrs.poindexter

Topics: onlyfans, US News, Weird