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The UK is full of some of the world’s most scenic locations and picturesque gems - and also some of the world’s worst spots.
And it seems as if some residents have been left angry that they are living in the latter, as they’ve been informed they live in the unhappiest place in the UK.
According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the Essex-based city - which is known for its zoo and 11th-century castle, has blown all the other gloomy cities out of the water with residents’ happiness, anxiety levels and life satisfaction.
Yep, it's none other than Colchester.
Granted city status just three months ago, Colchester has already been dubbed as a place where dreams go to die, apparently.
The results, which were taken from Brits all over the UK, saw Colchester being awarded just 6.8 out of 10 for inhabitants’ overall average happiness score - making the city the lowest-scoring place out of any other town or city.
“What a load of utter tripe,” one resident wrote on Twitter about the result, while another added: “That explains a few things.”
“I was born in Colchester Military Hospital and my informative years were spent there - the ONS data doesn’t surprise me whatsoever,” Andrew added of the unfortunate city.
Other places which nearly gave Colchester a run for its money in terms of unhappiness was Norwich, Norfolk, and Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
But drive just 15 miles north from the winning (or should we say losing) city of unhappiness, and you’ll find yourself in the district of Babergh, Suffolk, which has garnered a relatively happier score of 7.8 out of 10.
Meanwhile, the Midlands town of Redditch scored itself a less-than-impressive title of the second-most unhappy place, having lost a whole point from the 2018/2019 data during the last happiness score.
This year, Redditch inhabitants may be surprised (or maybe not so much) at the fact that the town became the only location which entered the top five for unhappiness, life satisfaction and considering their lifestyle there as worthwhile.
The good, but slightly less unhappy, people of Norwich also scored as the nation's third-most unhappiest but also reported as having the highest levels of anxiety out of anywhere else in the country.
As for the rest of us, well, we’re just happy we don’t live in such a dire spot in the UK.
If you're experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is there to support you. They're open from 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year. Their national number is 0800 58 58 58 and they also have a webchat service if you're not comfortable talking on the phone.