In case you hadn’t noticed: it’s hot out there. The sort of hot that makes you want to crawl inside a supermarket freezer, nestle down with the Turkey Dinosaurs and frozen chips and stay very still until the heatwave passes.
Well, don’t go legging it to your nearest Asda just yet, because TikToker Jacqueline Kennardd has come up with an ingenious way to stay cool at home, and it’ll only set you back about 16p. Watch the hack below:
In a nifty social media clip, Jacqueline revealed that an easy way to level up your fan is to tie ice pops to the front of it.
Jacqueline used tiny elastic hairbands to affix two ice pops to the front of her fan, explaining: “My life hack of the day. You know these little elastic hairbands you get? Attach them to your fan, pull it through.”
She continued: "Then you go and buy some of these (ice pops), long ones, make sure they’re frozen. Put them through the loops in the fan… aircon. Cold air.”
Right now, you can get your mitts on 20 Mr Freeze ice pops for just £1.70 at Sainsbury's, meaning it’ll set you back less than 16p to take your fan to god tier.
Earlier this week, the Met Office issued an extreme heat warning for England and Wales and warned of 'exceptionally high temperatures' battering the UK.

In light of the news, property expert That Property Guy shared some simple tricks to help cool your house down when it's hot, and one of his hacks isn’t too dissimilar to Jacqueline’s.
The TikToker explained: “You're going to want to circulate cool air inside the house, so fill up some bowls with water and some ice. Bowls of water will cool down the house, especially if you use a fan."
He added: “It might sound daft, but keep your windows shut and draw your curtains. During the day, this will keep the hot air out.”
However, if you have to keep the windows open, there's also a way of doing so that will apparently minimise heat.
"If you have to open the windows, open a couple at either ends of the house and this creates a through-draft," he advised, adding: “Open loft windows as well."

That Property Guy also said: "As ovens create heat, try and do your cooking outside - best to use a barbeque, if you can."
Over in the bedroom, he recommended 'getting rid of that duvet', saying: "You can always get your bedding, put it in a bag and put it in the freezer just before you go to bed. Sounds a bit wacky but it cools your bedding right down and it's great for when you're trying to sleep." We'll take wacky over sweaty any day.