A woman has opened up about the visions she saw during a period where she was dead for 27 minutes after suffering a cardiac arrest.
In February 2018, Tina Hines collapsed at home in Arizona, US. Her husband, Brian, performed CPR and resuscitated her twice before the ambulance arrived.
However, after the ambulance arrived, Hines' condition deteriorated further and she ended up clinically dead for a total of 27 minutes as the paramedics revived her six times.
Despite the horrifying reality of her physical condition and near-death experience, Hines told the Christian Broadcasting Network that she wasn't scared because she saw Jesus.
She said: "Unbelievable rest and peacefulness of what I experienced was Jesus standing there with him arms open wide.
"And right behind Jesus standing there was this incredible glow."

When Hines woke up, after having been revived for a sixth time and later intubated in hospital, she wrote two words down on a piece of paper: "It's real."
Hines explained her message related to her near-death experience (NDE) and her sighting of Jesus and heaven - her vision having 'vibrant colours'.
According to the University of Virgina, near-death experiences are 'intensely vivid and often life-transforming experiences, many of which occur under extreme physiological conditions such as trauma, ceasing of brain activity, deep general anesthesia or cardiac arrest in which no awareness or sensory experiences of any kind should be possible according to the prevailing views in neuroscience."

Indeed, while NDE's 'vary from one person to another' many people report 'a sense of overwhelming peace, well-being, or absolute, unconditional love' or 'encounters with deceased loved ones, or with other beings that may be identified as religious figures'.
And Hines isn't the only one to have spoken out about a NDE being life-changing.
In 2008, Dr. Eben Alexander was induced into a coma and experienced a 'rebirth' in another realm filled with 'waterfalls flow[ing] into crystal pools' and people singing and dancing.
Even more similar to Hines, Betty J. Eadie says she saw Jesus during her NDE, revealing the religious figure hugged her and told her, 'It's not yet your time'.

It has also been suggested by scientists that people see a 'flashback' of their life before they die.
In response to this, scientist Dr Ajmal Zemmar speculated if the brain did a flashback 'it would probably like to remind you of good things, rather than the bad things'.
He resolved: "I think there's something mystical and spiritual about this whole near-death experience."