A woman claims to have experienced her first alien encounter during lockdown – and now they won’t leave her alone. You can see footage she's taken of mysterious lights she's convinced are UFOs below:
Lily Nova, 29, from Missouri, US, says she had her first encounter at the end of 2020 after taking up astrophotography to cure lockdown boredom.
Now, she experiences extra-terrestrial visits on a daily basis, as aliens approach her in an all manner of ‘unearthly’ spacecraft.
She said: "My first encounter with aliens and UFOs was very intense.
"I went outside for some fresh air one night and I immediately locked eyes with bright light hovering over the neighbourhood.

"I started investigating and realised it was a UFO. Seconds later I looked away briefly and when I looked back there was a second craft that was much closer.
"I could actually see the triangular shape of the craft.
"The UFOs did some impressive manoeuvres to show me that it wasn't a regular aircraft before they disappeared above me.
"It really spooked me because aliens and UFOs aren't something I have thought about much before. It was a total reality shifting experience.
"A couple of months later I had my second encounter. After that, it kept happening more frequently and now I am having experiences daily.
"During my encounters I have also been able to see what the beings look like.

"One of the first beings I saw was a girl with light blue skin. She had no hair, but she was very beautiful. She was wearing a skin tight grey suit and I saw her ship mates standing behind her in the same uniform.
"I have also seen another group of beings with light blonde hair, fair and glowing skin and bright blue eyes.
"I believe they send images of themselves to me through telepathy. I think they are easing me into an introduction as it would be such a shocking experience for any human to have an alien walk up to you."
Lily believes the extra-terrestrial beings then gave her some space to process the experience before appearing again.

She added: "I abandoned my career as a nutritionist because it was overtaken by my passion for finding out more about UFOs and aliens.”
Now, she claims to have developed a sixth sense and intuitive gut feeling for when they are going to appear to her.
She said: "Since the shock wore off, I just feel joy, love and peace. They are such beautiful and positive experiences, sometimes I even ball my eyes out crying while it's happening.
"I believe that they come to me because I believe in them, I am open-minded and I am welcoming towards them.
"It has been fascinating to learn about the universe and to create the incredible connection that has been formed."