Another day, another breastfeeding woman saving her pet goose from a bald eagle. Check it out here:
Cait Oakley, from Vancouver Island, Canada, was breastfeeding her daughter on Monday (16 May) when it all kicked off.
The 31-year-old could hear her beloved pet goose Frankie honking frantically, and sensing the bird was distressed, she ran outside - with baby still on boob.
It was a good job she acted fast too, because Frankie had been swooped on by a massive bald eagle, and her life was in danger.
Thankfully, once Cait came charging out hollering at the predator, it relinquished its grip, and Frankie was able to make her escape.
Cait's husband Mike shared the video – recorded by their home security system – on TikTok, and her heroism went viral.
Reflecting on the dramatic face off, the mum-of-three said it was just a fight or flight response - and evidently she chose to fight, and the eagle took flight.

"We heard Frankie at the front door," she told CBC News.
"Frankie always comes to our front door when she's in trouble. She is an alert goose, she's on the property to do exactly that.
"Red flags were going off - just like mums can tell the different cries of babies, I can tell the different honks of my goose, so I knew she was feeling super threatened.
"That's when I just ran out the front door and saw the huge wings of an eagle coming down and grabbing her."
Frankie is 'like a fourth child' to Cait, so when she saw her baby in danger she didn't think about anything other than saving her.
She said: "I just took off running after the eagle. It was the evening time, so I was mid getting dressed and top off, just feeding my baby.
"This all unfolded and there was no decency, there was just running out - running out to save my goose.
"It was a total fight or flight response. There is a big bird trying to take my other big bird and it was just chaos."
It certainly was, and in an ideal world, Cait said she would rather she wasn't nude for her big viral moment; still, she's been heaped with praise on social media.
Commenting on TikTok, one person said: "That was amazing! That's what you call a Supermom."
Another wrote: "Babe I'm in love with the fact that you ran out in your birthday suit almost you're a great mama."
A third added: "Not all heroes wear clothes."
Bravo Mother Goose, bravo.