A mum has belatedly realised that her husband named their daughter after something.
Baby names are difficult to come up with, as there are so many associations you can make which could either remind you of someone you’re not fond of - or lead to your kid being bullied.
Think about it.
If you name your child Renesme, you kind of know what you’re setting her up for once her peers realise she’s named after the vampire hybrid kid from Breaking Dawn.
However, one mum has received the shock of her life when watching Batman with her husband.
It’s his name choice.
Thankfully, it wasn’t the name, Annaly.
On TikTok, the woman (Via) posted a clip of her and Carson and his family watching the TV.

While his family were there, she made the connection and captioned her video: “My husband named our daughter after a Batman character and didn’t tell me till she was 10 months old… and this is how I find out.”
According to her, it was when they were all watching Batman: The Animated Series, which is what they do each year, they decided to roll an episode that features Mr. Freeze and his wife, Nora Fries.
Via explained that when he first approached her with his name choice, she didn’t think about Nora Fries at all, stating: “So my husband came up with the name Nora right when we found out she was a girl and I loved the name. He never said where he heard it, just that he thought it was a cool name.
“Every other name he had come up with had a movie reference or something dorky so I was happy we found a normal name we both loved.”
Ah, but dorky it is, Via.
It was when she clocked on during the episode that she silently seethed at the fact she’d been duped.
She wrote: “The main villain is Mr. Freeze (literally my husband’s profile photo is Mr. Freeze on so many things I should have known) and his beautiful sweet frozen wife… is Nora.”
While she loves her daughter’s name and her ‘dorky husband’ who she admits ‘accidentally’ proposed to her on National Batman Day, this revelation has led her to vow to vet each name he suggests for kids in the future.
Next time, if he wants the name ‘Summer’, I’m pre-emptively snitching and letting you know that there’s a character on the show called Summer Gleeson.
Renee is also off limits!
Though, Nora was my first choice for a baby name, so who am I to judge?
There’s plenty of names on the polls for you to choose from.
As a result of the revelation, the video quickly gained viral popularity, and the comments were quite insightful in helping her overcome her fears.
After all, Nora is a name which is a lot more mainstream these days than the Batman cartoon.
One person wrote: “As a Nora, it means light and beauty in Arabic. So hey, a wins a win?”
Another agreed, writing: “Nora is a feminine Arabic name that refers to ‘radiance, illumination, and beauty,’ and it is derived from one of the beautiful names of Allah that means ‘Light'.”
Someone else wrote about their failed attempt, which they rectified in a sneaky way: “I tried to name my son Bruce. Wife said no, it’s an old man’s name. Four years later we had our daughter... Harley.”
Topics: Batman, TV, Sex and Relationships, Parenting, TikTok