A woman is calling for chlamydia to be renamed as she would love to use it as a baby name.
She took to Reddit to request that the sexually transmitted infection (STI) be rebranded and it's unsurprising to report that her idea went down like a lead balloon.
She said on the social media site: "Chlamydia would make a beautiful girl name. I just think it sounds great. They should call the STI something different so we can finally start using it."
The woman then gave examples of why the name just rolls off the tongue.
She said it would be wonderful to say things like 'Chlamydia, come over here!' and 'Did you do your homework, chlamydia?' to her daughter.
Imagine playing chasey with this kid? You wouldn't want to catch her.
And with that, the comment section was sent into overdrive.
One user replied: "This is my daughter chlamydia, she has been itching to meet you."
Another said: "No lie, I knew a girl named chlamydia. Poor thing went by Callie until a substitute teacher with no common sense or decency outed her in 7th grade."
A third wrote: "My wife desperately wants to use it as a girl's name but knows it wouldn't be well received."
While another said: "My mother was a labour and delivery nurse, and she had to talk her young girl out of naming her daughter that. I don’t think she knew what it meant. Or maybe she did LOL."
Similarly, a woman posted to Reddit last year recalling her friend became furious after she informed her that her favourite baby name was an STI.

"So my friend is about five months pregnant and has been talking about baby names with her partner lately. She's having a girl and likes to run some of her ideas by our friend group to see what we think," she began.
"Yesterday we all got together to hang out and she told us her latest favourite: chlamydia.
"Before I had time to get over my shock, she started going on about how ever since we had to read The Odyssey in high school, she's always liked her in Greek mythology.
"It takes a minute, but from the context she gives in the conversation, I figure out that she's talking about 'Clytemnestra'."
The woman revealed that when she got home, she received a long text from her friend telling her how embarrassed she was after she corrected her in front of a group of their friends.
"I ignored the text cause she was kind of being an idiot. She just went based on a decade-old memory of a book we read in high school and mixed up the name with a common STD," she added.
I mean, a simple Google search would've helped.