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Diver mindblown after 'intelligent' Octopus grabs her hand and leads her to hidden treasure

Diver mindblown after 'intelligent' Octopus grabs her hand and leads her to hidden treasure

The Australian diver was stunned

A diver from Australia was left mind-blown after an 'intelligent' Octopus grabbed her hand and lead her to hidden treasure.

Freediver Jules Casey couldn't believe 'the little adventure' she went on when an octopus grabbed her hand several times underwater.

Watch the incredible interaction below:

The award wining photographer captured the moment she was headed down a route she would 'normally go'.

In the video shared on her social media pages (OneBreathDiver) she said she 'had no idea where that octopus was taking me'.

"It really felt like 'okay we're going on a little adventure here'," the content creator said.

"On this particular day he reached out and held my hand and he's heading in a direction from where I would normally go.

"When he headed off he stopped and turned around just to make sure that I'm still following."

Jules was 'a little shocked' when she was taken to a headstone, which was tied between two steel posts.

Jules was left stunned. (Jules Casey via Storyful)
Jules was left stunned. (Jules Casey via Storyful)

On the headstone was a photo of a man holding a small white dog.

"We arrived at the back of the stone helding with two metal stakes and I thought that was it," she continued.

"Then he moved around one side and I moved around the other side.

"It was almost like he went, 'Tada here it is'.

"That's when I saw the photo of the gentleman holding the white fluffy dog."

According to Jules, some divers had been building in the area and the man in the photo was 'actually one of the diver's friend's father'.

"Quite an emotional moment but the best thing about it was this intelligent creature had taken me there." she said.

"A lot of questions come up as 'do you think he thought it was because he recognised a human like you?'

The octopus took her to this headstone. (Jules Casey via Storyful)
The octopus took her to this headstone. (Jules Casey via Storyful)

"Well I cannot even guess what an octopus is thinking because they have nine brains, so who knows?"

Although Jules couldn't be sure what the octopus was thinking, viewers were adamant that the sea creature knew exactly what it was doing.

"Octopi are intelligent and friendly and often lonely. They love to interact with any friendly humans but remember to keep your goggles on to protect your eyes from accidents," one person wrote.

"At the very least, it seems like the octopus wanted to show her something. Without reading any other meaning into it, that makes this an extraordinary encounter," a second pointed out.

"It is very plain that the octopus wanted to show her the treasures. Take it for what it is and don't overthink it. This was very heart warming and sweet," echoed a third.

Featured Image Credit: Jules Casey via Storyful

Topics: Australia, Fishing