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People have one major concern after man captures rare footage when flying drone over North Korea

People have one major concern after man captures rare footage when flying drone over North Korea

A ballsy bloke claims he flew a drone over the notoriously secretive country from China

There's playing with fire, and then there's flying a drone over North Korea from a neighbouring country.

This bloke must not have brushed up on the extremely strict laws which Kim Jong-Un enforces in his nation, as I'm pretty sure the supreme leader, 40, wouldn't take too kindly to him taking snaps with this Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).

Those who live in the country, which has been ruled by the Kim family for three generations, have to abide by some ridiculously harsh rules - as do tourists and random men manning drones from China.

As well as social media being off-limits to most people anyway, simply taking photos is seriously risky business.

According to Smart Traveller, 'authorities may judge many activities as spying', and getting snaps of anything other than designated public tourist sites is illegal.

The bloke claims to have captured the incredible images by flying his drone over North Korea from China. (Reddit/XiaoHao2)
The bloke claims to have captured the incredible images by flying his drone over North Korea from China. (Reddit/XiaoHao2)

Taking photographs which don't glorify North Korea is also said to be a crime.

Due to all these harsh rules and regulations, we rarely get a glimpse of what it's actually like in the notoriously secretive country as Kim exercises a tonne of control over his people.

That was until a Reddit user - known as @XiaoHao2 - seemingly decided to risk it all to fly his drone in and out of North Korea.

He claims to have captured a series of images and some footage which document what everyday life in Kim's country looks like, while he was piloting the UAV from across the border in China.

And social media users reckon his catalogue of clips and photos is 'fascinating' - however, the majority of people were more preoccupied by something which they noticed in the snaps.

Social media users were creeped out by the eerily empty streets. (Reddit/XiaoHao2)
Social media users were creeped out by the eerily empty streets. (Reddit/XiaoHao2)

One image showed a large building which displayed portraits of North Korean founder Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il decorated outside, while a second showed the skyline.

The rest of the images all shared a common theme - there is hardly anyone in them.

XiaoHao2 captured overhead shots of streets, residential areas and business districts, but although these hotspots would be hammered in any other country, North Korea resembled something of a ghost town.

There was only a handful of cars on the streets, which is something us Brits could only dream of.

One person said: "The pictures we get always have empty streets unless there's a parade. It's so weird. Where is everyone?"

Another wrote: "It's so lifeless looking. I feel so bad for their people."

A third added: "Awesome collection of photos, it's eerie how empty it all is."

A fourth commented: "Wow!! But the streets are so damn empty. Where are the shops? Pedestrians? Commuters? Truly mysterious."

While someone else chimed in: "It always floors me how empty the place looks. There is almost no one there."

According to the Redditor, he captured the images during the 2020 lockdown as the coronavirus wreaked havoc on the world.

Other social media users were more concerned about how much risk the bloke had put himself at for his drone stunt.

He joked that he was 'lucky that it wasn't shot down by Caoxian's missiles' and then reassured people who had been keeping up with the thread that he was 'still alive'.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/XiaoHao2

Topics: China, Reddit, World News