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Video shows extreme water slide with 'no women' sign on that world champion diver ignored

Video shows extreme water slide with 'no women' sign on that world champion diver ignored

People are dying to see what world champion diver Rhiannan Iffland had to endure on the 'men only' water slide

If you've seen the footage of the world champion diver heading down a water slide which women aren't allowed to ride, then you're probably dying to know what all the fuss is about.

Rhiannan Iffland, 32, has really renewed interest in the facilities that Austria's Area 47 adventure park has to offer after a video of her having a go on 'Europe's fastest waterslide' - even though it's not female friendly - went viral.

Take a look at it here:

The seven-times world champion cliff diver, from Australia, can be seen laughing off warning signs which state that the water slide is not suitable for women 'due to a high risk of injury' and heading down it anyway.

The look of regret on her face was plain to see in the seconds before she let go of the bars and sent herself flying, but viewers were left on quite a cliffhanger when the short clip came to an end.

Unfortunately, Iffland didn't have a GoPro strapped to her head, so we only got to see her daring stunt from the perspective of her pal who filmed the video.

People are desperate to see what Rhiannan Iffland had to endure on the water slide (Instagram/@rhiannan_iffland)
People are desperate to see what Rhiannan Iffland had to endure on the water slide (Instagram/@rhiannan_iffland)

The last we see of her is the back of her head for a fleeting moment before she hurtles down the water slide and she then lets out a piercing scream - so our imaginations have had to do the rest of the work.

But thankfully, this bloke was kitted out with a load of cameras when he gave the attraction a go back in July 2020, so we can finally get a good idea of what happens next.

Have a look here:

YouTuber TurboSlides, who reviews stomach-churning slides around the world, barely even hesitated before thrusting himself down the slide and right into a barrage of water.

He hurtles down the 'male-only' contraption at speeds of up to 50mph, so the experience only lasts for around ten seconds, but this guy didn't even let out a whimper, let alone a scream.

But then again, the deluge of water that blasts at him might have just drowned out his cries of terror.

I doubt TurboSlides paid much attention at the time due to all the water flooding into his face, but you can also get a cracking view of the Area 47 adventure park on your way down too.

Thankfully, this YouTuber gave us a look at what goes on (YouTube/TurboSlides)
Thankfully, this YouTuber gave us a look at what goes on (YouTube/TurboSlides)

But with the speeds you fly down at paired with the high-pressure water which helps propel you down the vertical drop, it's no wonder that women are not allowed to ride it for safety reasons.

Social media users initially presumed the rule might have been introduced due to sexism, but it's actually because Area 47 are seemingly concerned about female visitors doing some serious damage to themselves.

According to the National Library of Medicine in the US, women can sustain horrific injuries if high pressured water enters their body, while there is also a risk of infections due to the foreign bodies found in the water.

And in recent years, there have been reports of women having their insides 'ripped apart' by high-speed water slides.

His camera might be a bit waterlogged by the looks of things (YouTube/TurboSlides)
His camera might be a bit waterlogged by the looks of things (YouTube/TurboSlides)

So it might be best just to head home and watch someone else do it on YouTube next time you're not allowed to go on a water slide instead of breaking the rules.

Iffland insisted she did not intend to undermine Area 47's regulations with her antics after her video went viral.

She told "It was never my intent to mock the safety regulations of this water slide. A person’s safety is paramount and I am constantly weighing up any danger with my job.

"To suggest otherwise, is wrong."

LADbible Group has previously contacted Area 47 Adventure Park for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/TurboSlides/Instagram/rhiannan_iffland

Topics: World News, Viral, YouTube, Theme Park