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Billionaire boat owner watches on as Steve Jobs’ $120m yacht crashes straight into his

Billionaire boat owner watches on as Steve Jobs’ $120m yacht crashes straight into his

The terrifying moment was shared by the billionaire on Instagram

Tense footage shows the moment a mega-yacht owned by the late Apple owner Steve Jobs crashed into the side of a Mexican businessman's boat.

The pricey $200 million (£157 million) Lady Moura yacht, owned by businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego, was sailing off the coast of Naples, Italy when a gust of wind sent Jobs' $140 million (£110 million) Venus yacht on a collision course with his.

In footage shared by Salinas on Instagram, crew members on his yacht can be seen scrambling to get the attention of the Venus' crew as it drifted dangerously close.

The collision occurred of the coast of Naples, Italy. (Instagram/@ricardosalinas)
The collision occurred of the coast of Naples, Italy. (Instagram/@ricardosalinas)

The two boats then bounced off of each other before Jobs' futuristic looking yacht floated backwards.

It's understood that neither Salinas or Jobs' widow Laurene Powell Jobs - who currently owns the Venus - were onboard at the time of the crash.

Salinas later clarified on social media that no major damage had happened to his yacht, other than a 'big scratch' which he expected would cause a small fortune to fix.

"You won't believe this, but our yacht was hit while we were in Naples," he wrote in a lengthy caption alongside the clip.

"I'd like to know what the captain and crew were doing that they didn't see a yacht the size of mine in front of them. The good thing is that nothing more than a scratch happened, but it's a big scratch that's going to cost a lot to fix ha ha ha.

"So go to @elektra.mxand buy Apple products to help pay for their little joke."

He went on to claim that the crew of the Venus were at fault, before concluding the post by stating that he had chosen to upload the video to show 'how important it is to have a responsible and attentive captain in command'.

An update on the situation has since been issued via Boat International, with the outlet saying the collision was caused by the wind changing 'very quickly'.

"On 22 July while at anchor, Venus came into contact with Lady Moura, which was also anchored," the statement read.

"No family was on board, only crew. The wind changed very suddenly, picking up from a breeze to 55 knots over the course of a few minutes.

Neither Salinas or Jobs' widow were onboard at the time of the collision. (Instagram/@ricardosalinas)
Neither Salinas or Jobs' widow were onboard at the time of the collision. (Instagram/@ricardosalinas)

"Neither boat dragged anchor, though the other boat was on a chain double the length expected in the depth of water they were in. Both captains were in discussion immediately following the incident about minor repairs needed."

The Venus yacht had been designed and created specifically for Jobs back in 2009, however production wasn't completed until 2012, a year after the Apple co-founder's death.

Meanwhile Salinas made his fortune as the founder and chairman of Group Salinas, which specialises in media and telecommunications.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@ricardosalinas

Topics: World News, Steve Jobs