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Experts explain how to survive on Snake Island where there is more to worry about than just the snakesExperts explain how to survive on Snake Island where there is more to worry about than just the snakes

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Experts explain how to survive on Snake Island where there is more to worry about than just the snakes

Snake Island in Brazil is notorious for its population of highly venomous Golden Lancehead Vipers

There's a part of the world where people aren't allowed to go because it's just too dangerous, and that's Snake Island.

OK, so the actual name is Ilha da Queimada Grande and 'Snake Island' is just a nickname, but that's because the place is covered in a gazillion snakes.

It's situated just off the coast of Brazil and you can only set foot on it if you're part of the Brazilian navy or a conservation researcher who gets the nod.

Everyone else should stay the hell away from Snake Island, where it's estimated that there's one snake per square metre, as you'll be killed to death by the venomous serpents who call it home.

Among the snakes which live on the island are the critically endangered Golden Lancehead Vipers which are very venomous indeed.

Be careful where you step when the Golden Lancehead Viper is about. (CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images)Be careful where you step when the Golden Lancehead Viper is about. (CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images)
Be careful where you step when the Golden Lancehead Viper is about. (CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images)

While people aren't allowed onto Snake Island people do occasionally go there, like one foolish YouTuber who decided to sneak onto it.

Fortunately he didn't encounter many snakes, though at one point he was cacking it slightly when he lost contact with a friend who was supposed to be picking him up.

Don't go to Snake Island, but if for some reason you take leave of your senses and decide to do this bloody stupid thing, then at least don't do it in such a blood stupid way.

The subject of YouTube channel How To Survive's videos ought to be pretty self-explanatory, and in their guide on how to survive on Snake Island they've got a few tips for explorers with less survival instinct than a lemming.

The first thing you need to do is be a very careful sailor, as they noted that the rocks near Snake Island could scupper any careless ship and leave you with no way out.

It's a small, uninhabited island off the coast of Brazil, if you want to survive it maybe just don't go there. (9 News)It's a small, uninhabited island off the coast of Brazil, if you want to survive it maybe just don't go there. (9 News)
It's a small, uninhabited island off the coast of Brazil, if you want to survive it maybe just don't go there. (9 News)

Secondly, you need to be on the lookout for 'giant cockroaches', as there's more than just the venomous snakes to keep an eye out for.

Of course the main point in surviving Snake Island is figuring out how to keep the snakes at bay.

The expert advice is to find yourself a stick or some kind of implement to keep the serpents at bay.

If you get bitten then 'prepare to suffer', as you can suffer organ failure from their venom and it'll feel like your skin is melting off.

Frankly, it sounds like if you get bitten on Snake Island it's going to be hell, as the venom will put you in a condition which means you really need to be in hospital.

The YouTubers said that being bitten by a Golden Lancehead Viper came with a seven percent chance of death, so you should bring a doctor with you as the risk of death is significantly lowered.

If you have the means to get onto Snake Island and your boat isn't scuppered then your best chance of survival sounds like getting right back in your vessel and sailing the f**k away.

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/The interesting in details

Topics: Animals, World News, Weird

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