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Warning as Spanish locals ‘plot to reclaim’ beach taken over by tourists and influencers

Warning as Spanish locals ‘plot to reclaim’ beach taken over by tourists and influencers

A tourism crackdown continues across one particular Spanish island

A tourism crackdown in particular parts of Spain continues with locals vowing to 'reclaim' one of the country's best beaches from tourists and influencers.

Spain and its islands are loved by Brits, with millions visiting the country every single year for a bit or rest and recuperation in the sun.

But as the summer season approaches once again, a number of warnings have been issued to those making the short flight over - that includes making yourself aware of a new system that could mean the difference between life and death.

Absolutely stunning (Getty Stock Images)
Absolutely stunning (Getty Stock Images)

There's also the 'six drink rule' in place across Spanish islands as part of a tourism crackdown.

And in a double down on the above, this month a booze ban has been introduced between 9.30pm and 8am.

Now, protesters against overtourism have moved to, in their words, 'reclaim' one of the most stunning beaches on the planet.

It's a pretty stunning beach too, ranked in the top 25 beaches in the world in the 2023 World's 50 Best Beaches long list.

The beach in question is Calo des Moro, which can be found on the Balearic island of Majorca. Described as 'one of the last paradises of Majorca', it has also recently become a location added to Spain's massive beach smoking ban.

Calo des Moro (Getty Stock Images)
Calo des Moro (Getty Stock Images)

It's extremely unique given it is absolutely tiny.

Found in a small cove tucked in from the main seafront, it boasts shallow, turquoise water that is truly out of this world.

Calo del Moro is tiny, with it probably a better location for those who enjoy being in the water to sunbathing given its size and rocky nature.

Platform Mallorca Platja Tour [Majorcan Beach Tour] has begun a campaign in the last week across the southern coast of the island at Sa Rapita Beach.

After launching the campaign to 'squeeze' out tourists, the next event will see protesters descend on Calo des Moro on Sunday, 16 June.

The group said: "Calo des Moro is a symbol of the massification of our beaches and it’s why we’ve chosen to go there and have a dip on 16 June."

Calo des Moro, Mallorca (Getty Stock Images)
Calo des Moro, Mallorca (Getty Stock Images)

One supporter added: "What Majorcan would think of going to Cala des Moro on a summer Sunday? Impossible. It’s full of Instagrammers who go just to take their picture."

It's the latest action in a recent but intense period of anti-tourism sentiment to grip Spain.

In the Majorcan capital of Palma, a 15,000 protest took place in May where chants of 'tourists go home' could be heard across the crowds.

And down on the Canary Islands, locals have said the local economies 'face collapse' due to tourism - with a new tourism tax now being introduced.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Travel, World News, Europe, Holiday