A transcript that was previously thought to detail the events between the doomed Titan submersible and the mothership have been found to be fabricated.
The infamous Titan Submersible imploded en-route to the wreck of the Titanic, almost one year ago today, with it setting off on its descent on 18 June 2023.
It killed all five of the passengers on board, which included the CEO and co-founder of OceanGate, the company that designed and built the submersible, Stockton Rush.
In addition to him, other passengers onboard were Hamish Harding, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Shahzada Dawood and his son, Suleman Dawood.
This tragic incident gained more attention following a Channel 5 documentary that covered the events of its fateful descent.
The sub's destruction launched a desperate search and rescue mission, as some hoped that passengers were trapped and unable to surface, which was fuelled by the hopes brought by a banging heard from inside the sub every 30 minutes.
Following an investigation though, experts could not determine where the banging noises were coming from, as it was concluded that the sub had completely imploded.
One of the most harrowing details of the submersible's failed trip though, was the alleged uncovered audio from the passengers in the submersible itself.
The transcript apparently described the conversations going on between passengers on board the doomed Titan submersible and the mother ship during its descent has been found to be completely fake.

The communications record was made public last year, but it raised doubts due to a number of worrying occurrences that turned the submersible's attempt to reach the bottom of the Atlantic into a last-ditch fight for survival.
It was done to document the five passengers' ultimately failed attempts to return to the surface - but the leader of the US federal investigation team has stated that the transcript is not real.
An extensive investigation into the matter that lasted almost a year found the team unable to find any evidence that suggested that the Titan's occupants were aware of their impending deaths.
The pressure at two miles below the surface, which is around 4850 pounds per square inch would have caused the submersible's hull to completely disintegrate.
Chairman of the Marine Board of Investigation and retired U.S. Coast Guard officer Captain Jason D. Neubauer told The New York Times: "I have no doubt that this transcript is fake,
"It was made up - it's unclear who the fake document's initial source was."
The fake transcript came to the fore just days after the submersible's implosion, surfacing in late June and apparently documenting minute-by-minute conversations that included technical terms and accurate descriptions, making it sound believable.

The R.T.M, or Real Time Hull Health Monitoring system, was the main subject of the transcript, with the crew focusing on hull alarms and cracking sounds in a panic before being cut off from communications.
OceanGate stated that the device features 'an unprecedented safety function that assesses the integrity of the hull throughout every dive' to alert users to possible problems.
Neubauer claimed: "Somebody did it well enough to make it look plausible."
He added that the log made those on board 'look like they were panicking', as the fake transcript revealed reports to the mother ship that there were several hull alarms along with crackling sounds.
A notice about the sensor even said 'RTM alert active all red', with the transcript ending after the mothership sent seven communications asking about its whereabouts, asking: "Please respond if you're able."
Neubauer said he hopes the truth will give console the men's families that they didn't suffer in their final moments.
Topics: Titan Submersible, Titanic, News, World News