A sniper has set a ‘new world record’ for the longest kill.
The previous record was held by a Canadian special operations sniper, who had a long-range kill of 2.19 miles in Iraq back in 2017.
This has now been beaten by a Ukrainian sniper.
The special operations serviceman from the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) hit a Russian soldier from a whopping 2.36 miles.
Shocking footage was released of the sniper’s shot, showing one of Vladimir Putin’s soldiers dropping to the ground as a result.
It shows the absolute precision in the snipers’ shot as fear is sent through the soldiers over two miles away from the Ukrainian.
This ‘world record’ sniper shot came from a Horizon’s Lord.
The massive six-foot Ukrainian sniper rifle is a single-shot bolt-action anti-material rifle.

The Firearm Blog say the Horizon’s Lord was developed due to a ‘need for an anti-materiel and sniper weapon system that would have a longer effective range and flatter trajectories than the rifles chambered in .50 BMG’.
This mega sniper was designed by Ukrainian arms plant MAYAK and is said to be easily transportable and can be removed from the battlefield despite its huge size.
The Ukrainian Army said in an official statement: “SBU snipers are rewriting the rules of global sniping, showcasing unparalleled abilities to operate effectively at remarkable distances.”
A British sniper who previously broke the world record for the longest kill previously described how he did it.
Craig Harrison killed two Taliban machine gunners from just over 1.5 miles while serving in the British Army in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in 2009.

Recalling how he made the shot, former Corporal of Horse Craig told LADbible: "I looked up and I could see two guys with a PKM belt-fed Russian machine gun and they were hammering down on the lads.
"It was a long way. It was 2,475 metres away, which is just over a mile and a half - and my rifle only shoots 1,500 metres.
"So I had to... I call it 'lob in'. I had to lob in, I lobbed the bullet in.
"It took me nine shots to get there, because I was bracketing - what bracketing is, is that you fire the first shot, see where it lands, add a bit more on, add a bit more on, add a bit more on, until you hit it.
"And I managed to hit the compound wall. So I fired, and I could see it just hit next to him.
"So I fired again - as I fired again, he stood up and I hit him here [points to centre of chest]. He fell backwards."
Craig added that he wasn’t proud of the achievement as he said: “Not at all. Doing my job, trying to save 12 guys. That was it.”
Topics: World News, Ukraine, Russia, Army