Most people would have one hell of a reaction if they managed to lose £900,000 (€1 million) in just an hour of gambling online.
Then again, most people wouldn't have £900,000 lying around, let alone feel confident in spending it on an hour's worth of online gambling.
However, PSG and Brazil footballer Neymar is not most people and the athlete is paid a huge salary for his job of kicking a ball around a bit of grass and managing to pick up some sort of injury which puts him out of action for March with alarming regularity.
Fortunately for Neymar he can afford it - Forbes estimates he's worth around $95 million (£76m), so £900k is a drop in the ocean.
The footballer is, unsurprisingly, currently out injured with ligament damage that will require some surgery.
While he's got a bit of time to spare off the pitch he's spent some of it gambling at an online casino and been streaming his efforts on Twitch.

Sadly for the sporting superstar, he doesn't seem to have the knack for gambling quite like he does for football, or perhaps gambling is something of a mug's game where in the end the house always wins.
He recently lost the whopping sum of £900,000 and had an almighty reaction to seeing that amount of money disappear down the drain, though it's probably not the response you'd be expecting.
The footballer appeared to mock crying and wailing while livestreaming, but couldn't help himself laughing while that 'bad recorder Titanic theme' played over his laughs.
Neymar even held his hands up and mimed playing an imaginary recorder of his own to join in with the fun, seemingly treating the loss of a million euros in just an hour of gambling online as something pretty funny.
That's pretty nice for Neymar, who is also a fan of playing poker in his spare time, but it's nowhere near as fun for the many people who lose fortunes gambling and don't have a multi-million euro paying job to fall back on.

Then there's the concern over gambling's addictive nature, which can ruin footballers once they've hung up their boots and the money is no longer rolling in quite like it once did.
A number of ex-footballers have opened up about how damaging gambling addiction was for them, including former Arsenal midfielder Paul Merson who has admitted he betted and lost money which was for a deposit on a family house at the height of his struggles with gambling.
Meanwhile, major UK bookies William Hill was recently fined £19 million by the Gambling Commission for 'widespread and alarming' failures, including on matters related to social responsibility such as an incident where someone was allowed to open a new account and spend £23,000 in 20 minutes.