World champion boxer Sunny Edwards managed to get into the ring with one of his Twitter trolls who called him out and travelled all the way up to Sheffield to fight him.
Fabrizio Tanga rode the train up to Sheffield from London and posted pictures of himself outside Edwards' gym, calling the IBF world flyweight champion out for a fight.
It's not really clear what grudge Tanga had against Edwards, but he had been on social media calling him out before making the journey up to Sheffield for the fight.

He wrote: "I promise, Sunny Edwards, I promise on my life that if you are not going to answer, Tomorrow morning I will be in front of your gym between 11 and 12.
"If you let me spend the money I use to eat and you will not there, I will walk all Sheffield screaming that you are a coward."
Edwards duly showed up to answer the challenge and taught Tanga exactly what it means to be in a boxing ring with a world champion.
All in all, Tanga lasted just two rounds against Edwards, who was shown in footage of the fight to be going very easy on his opponent to avoid doing serious damage to anything but Tanga's ego.
For much of the bout the boxer didn't even try to land a punch, instead taunting his opponent and tiring him out.
The few light punches he did throw sent his opponent staggering, demonstrating that there is a very good reason why Edwards is an undefeated world champion boxer with 18 victories under his belt.
By the end of the second round Tanga was bent double over the ropes telling people 'I need to vomit', which should be as clear a sign as any that the fight is well and truly over.
Luckily, the pair were able to part with respect as Tanga understood just how good top level boxers were, calling Edwards a 'super champion'.
Meanwhile, the world champion boxer respected that Tanga had travelled such a long way to fight him and actually followed through with his claims by stepping into the ring and giving it a go.
For anyone else thinking about calling out a professional boxer, challenging him to a fight and then actually showing up, this episode might demonstrate why that's a really bad idea.
Maybe just don't troll people on social media in the first place.