Dino Antonio wanted to bring new customers to Wash & Shiny in Maidstone, but his efforts really backfired
Viewers can't decide who's in the wrong
She's decided she'd rather keep her trusty Corsa instead
The shopping centre has been keeping frustrated shoppers up to date.
People are flocking to a video of a learner driving conflicted over whether they are fully to blame.
People have been left divided over footage revealing a learner driver's 'serious' mistake.
An inquest was conducted following the collision on the M1
People are flocking to social media conflicted over which driver is in the wrong in a TikTok video capturing a collision.
Trevor said the test made his cab driver's badge even more special
OK, the new cycle path in Bury is a bit unusual, and it's certainly caught the attention of the local residents
It turns out we've been looking at the speed camera sign wrong all this time
It's always handy to stay up to date with the rules.
The famed vehicle has finally been restored after over a decade
A cunning driver used the 'roundabout slingshot' to beat the traffic but people aren't sure if they approve
Akhmed Yakoob has revealed exactly how he made it big despite everyone doubting him
It follows new data that shows around 53 percent of learner drivers are failing their driving test
Mohammad Shoaib said he was 'deeply embarrassed' about not being able to pass the driving theory test.
Mark Coultous says the rock on his driveway is perfectly legal and stops people driving on the pavement
"I'm not moving that rock because someone can't see and hits it"
A driver who was slammed for using a bus lane to overtake a queue of cars has hit back at criticism.
The former Formula 1 driver has to pay over £700,000 for comments he against the fellow race car driver
Flintoff flipped his car while filming for the show in 2022
After being abandoned for 50 years, one of the world's rarest cars ended up being soled for a massive £3 million.