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A bus driver has urged impatient passengers who want to let them know they would like to get off to please. Stop. Ringing. The. Bell. Over. And. Over. Again.

Alright, maybe they're not that furious about it but they would really like you to know that when you push the 'stop' button they heard you the first time, and they've even got a handy other tool to let them know you want to get off.

The official etiquette of bus disembarkation is that when your stop is coming up you press a little button which goes 'ding' and lets the driver know you want them to stop.

Ring the bell once, the bus driver heard you the first time and even if they didn't they still know you pressed it.

Bus drivers would prefer it if people gave them plenty of advance warning of the need to apply the brakes as bringing a giant metal brick on wheels to an abrupt halt isn't much fun for the other passengers.

Once you've pressed the button and heard the 'ding' (and also possibly lit up that 'bus stopping' sign some of them have) it's waiting time to actually arrive at your stop, though plenty like to use this time to clamber up to the front of the bus.

That's how it's supposed to go, one informative 'ding' with plenty of advance warning and then a graceful disembarkation at your preferred stop, obviously stopping to say some variation of 'thanks' or 'cheers, mate' to the driver, but things don't always work out quite so smoothly.

Bus drivers would prefer it if people gave them plenty of advance warning when pressing the stop button.

Unfortunately, some passengers like ringing the bell over and over again as though each press of the button is going to dispense you free chocolate and it really gets on the nerves of some drivers.

One driver took to TikTok to explain that pushing the button multiple times was really unnecessary and anyone who thought they were ensuring their driver heard them properly was making a mistake.

First off they probably heard the 'ding' noise and secondly bus driving TikToker Amy revealed that when you ring the bell an icon of a bell lights up on their dashboard so they know you want to get off.

She said there was 'no need' to keep on ringing the bell as 'we know you want to be off at the next stop', urging passengers making this mistake 'don't panic'.

Instead you ought to be able to relax in your hideously-patterned seat safe in the knowledge that your desire to disembark would soon be fulfilled.

The bell goes ding, the light goes ping and the driver now knows you want to stop.

People found this little dashboard light quite fascinating to learn about, saying they 'wanted to know this', while one person said they liked travelling on a snazzy bus which also spoke aloud the words 'stop requested' when you pressed the button.

Someone else admitted they kept pressing the button all the time because they 'just like the noise', while another said their anxiety would have them worrying the driver 'didn't see it'.

Another commenter revealed this had actually happened to them, with their bus going for four more stops before the driver realised and sheepishly apologised that they 'didn't see the bell'.

However, plenty of other commenters wanted to know 'why does my bus driver always miss my stop?', with a few saying their drivers didn't pull over to let them out unless they made a real noise.

Some people were just fascinated by how different the bus interior looked to theirs, declaring it to be 'SO DIFF THEN MINE'.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@its_just_amy300

Topics: UK News, Viral, TikTok, Social Media