When we’re swiping through dating apps, or using other methods to meet people online, most of us tend to have some standards.
You might be looking for someone with certain hobbies or interests, maybe you’re more keen on them working in certain fields; or perhaps you go for a bit of a height limit in your relationship.
And perhaps it’s important to you that your other half falls into an age bracket. You know, you don’t want them to be too much younger as it could be classed as creepy, and you don’t want them to be decades older so that they could be your parent.
But each to their own, of course - as long as it’s legal anyway.

While we all set our own preferences, there does tend to be a lot of similarities in standards, but a study previously revealed a concerning difference in the age men and women want their partners to be.
Academic and author Hannah Fry spoke on YouTube about how dating site OkCupid was ‘experimenting’ on its customers. She explained how it used data to work out ‘how old people liked their partners to be’.
This study was all based on heterosexual relationships, and created two graphs for the age of women and men compared to the age of the men and women they were interested in.
So, if people were only ever interested in someone else their age, the line would be perfectly along the diagonal.
For the women, it resulted in a graph with a fairly straight diagonal line with numbers slightly thrown off to the side.

“Women prefer someone who is slightly older when they are young, and slightly younger when they are old,” Fry explained.
“But broadly speaking, the age of the men that women find most attractive changes as they themselves age.”
Now, on the whole, the age difference they go for isn’t dramatically different but when it comes to men, well, ramp up the theatrics because it’s movie-level dramatic.
Fry jokingly says to ‘see if you can spot the difference’ as she shows the very, very, different looking graph.
“So this is women and men,” she says while tracing a gradual. diagonal line.
“And that’s men and women - just straight down.”
The academic looks rather unimpressed as she gives a look to the camera following the completely straight-down line.
Because, yep this means men continue to prefer someone younger than them.
“47-year-old men think 20-year-old women are the most at - I mean, guys, you’re d-.”
Fry doesn’t even bother to finish that sentence but I think it’s fair to assume how she went on to express that disappointment.
Topics: Sex and Relationships