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Dating coach reveals six major signs women show that could indicate your partner is cheating

Dating coach reveals six major signs women show that could indicate your partner is cheating

There might be something going on that you haven't noticed

From long-distance to having too many differing opinions, the list of reasons a relationship can go wrong is the length of a piece of string.

But as too many of us know all too well, there are those sh**ter reasons why break-ups happen. You know, like people are too good at hiding it and you don’t know how to spot those red flags in your relationship.

So, to give you a hand if you ever find yourself in that kind of situation when going out with a female, a dating coach has revealed the six major signs women show which could indicate your partner is cheating.

No one likes a cheater (Getty Stock Image)
No one likes a cheater (Getty Stock Image)

Listing these things ‘told by a woman’, @datingbyblaine took to TikTok as she told users what to keep an eye out for:

1. ‘She hides her phone screen and turns off notifications’

Maybe when you’ve turned out the lights and kissed good night, she’s whipping out her phone for what you thought was a doom scroll. Or perhaps you’re sat watching TV and despite her never seeming to get a ping she keeps picking up her phone to text.

2. ‘She seems more distant than usual’

A sign of many things, if you notice a change in your partner's attitude towards you then something could really be wrong.

3. ‘She puts more effort into her appearance for no apparent reason’

Not just because she’s feeling herself, maybe you’ve noticed her getting all glammed up at times she usually wouldn’t. But let’s be honest, she might just be wanting to look nice for herself.

There might be many signs (Getty Stock Image)
There might be many signs (Getty Stock Image)

4. ‘She’s less intimate and affectionate with you’

Another common sign of a problem, she might be holding back in the bedroom. Again, this could be because she’s cheating or because she’s feeling down.

5. ‘She picks fights over silly things’

Never a particularly good sign in a relationship, it might not be so great if you keep bickering over the petty stuff.

6. ‘She accuses you of cheating’

Ah, deflection. If you’ve been committed and good as gold having never strayed but suddenly get accused of cheating then maybe they’re hiding something.

With a lot of these signs being pretty general, Blaine the dating coach warns to not ‘overweigh any of these signs in isolation’.

“Still if you notice any one of these signs, you should treat it like a ‘check engine light’ warning. Talk to your partner to diagnose what’s wrong - she may not be cheating, but there may be another problem you need to work out together as a couple,” she explained.

“Similarly, if you notice multiple signs, there’s a higher chance something is wrong!”

Featured Image Credit: datingbyblaine/TikTok/Getty Stock Image

Topics: Lifestyle, Sex and Relationships