Getting cheated on is an experience that nobody ever wants to go through, so how can you spot the red flags before getting mugged off?
A former detective has revealed five signs to look out for which could indicate that your partner is being unfaithful.
Darren Stanton was once a detective but is now a body language expert, and has explained that in relationships, 'the slightest change, the slightest deviation from the norm is noticeable'.
While some experts have revealed what careers are most likely to lead to infidelity, noticing these signs are more in your control.

The Brit spoke to the Daily Mail via Techopedia, and highlighted that behavioural changes and altered routines can be the start of the end.
Luckily, we're past the worst month of the year according to the Brit, which is January. Is there anything good about that month at all?
Changes in behaviour
This is the biggest red flag according to Stanton, as a change in patterns of behaviour can signal that something is wrong.
"One or two changes in behaviour are not really significant, we are looking for six or seven consistent changes to their normal actions," he added, urging people not to get worried over little changes.
Hiding their phone
You've probably heard this one a thousand times over, but if they're being particularly protective of their phone, it could indicate something for the worst.
Highlighting that they're 'such a big part' of everyday life, Stanton said that refusing to let your partner look at your phone, or even a reluctance to leave it out, can be an indicator of infidelity.
A way that they may hide this will be if someone puts their phone facing down on a surface, trying to hide messages.
Social media usage
Speaking of phones, their behaviour on social media can also be an indicator. For example, if they used to post a lot and now try to stay quiet online to be more 'invisible', it could be because they're hiding something.
"They want to seem out of the loop to reduce their chance of being caught out," Stanton pointed out.

Drastic changes in how your partner looks that seem out of the ordinary can be a red flag, maybe as an attempt to impress their new lover.
It could also be an attempt to live up to the expectations that they want to reach, or because of confidence that has been gained from an affair.
Stanton says that 'buying more clothes', 'wearing more aftershave', or having 'more pride' in how they look in general can be a warning sign.
Drastic changes in routine
If someone is cheating, it essentially means they're living a double life, so changes will be noticeable in their everyday life as they start to manage both routines.
"You have to have a very good memory because you have two lives on the go," Stanton highlighted.
Whether it be changes to normal activities and their timings, or decreasing the amount of time they spend with you, it could mean they're putting time into being elsewhere with someone else.
The ex-detective said the key is looking for any changes in attitude towards things such as date nights or anniversaries.
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Community