A diagnosed narcissist has explained the traits that a lot of people may not know that they have.
Professionals have come out and explained what signs to look out for, and other diagnosed narcissists have also spoken out on the subject, but Lee Hammock - who is a 'self-aware, diagnosed narcissist' - is the latest to weigh in on the topic.
He shares his views and thoughts on life through his social media channels, stating that he is unlearning his toxic traits 'through therapy and humour'.
The American content creator also offers 'Mental Healness' courses, support groups and coaching to those with narcissism or those dealing with people with it.
Hammock boasts over 402k followers on Instagram, making skits and explanation videos about his life from the point of view of a narcissist, while aiming to better himself.
The narcissist spoke at length about his life in an interview with the 'My Big Story' YouTube channel, where he talked about how he deals with his narcissism, how it impacts his relationships, how he came to being diagnosed.
At the start of the interview, he highlights the difference between having Narcissist Personality Disorder (NPD) and simply just having narcissistic traits, saying: "It's different to just being called a narcissist, you actually go to therapy for [it], and get diagnosed by an actual therapist."
He was then asked what some of the traits are of a diagnosed narcissist, which he began to explain.

Grandiose sense of self
"Most narcissistic people think that they are better than other people just because they are themselves," Hammock began.
He continued: "'I am better than you because I'm me', there's no qualifications behind that."
The narcissist said that a lot of people with the disorder will act like that, and believe that they are better than others for no other reason.
Delusions of grandeur
Hammock says that narcissists think that they deserve more than others simply because they are themselves, and for no other reason either.
"We think we deserve to be the President of the United States, or the Prime Minister of a country, or something like that just because we are ourselves, again," he claimed.

Sensitivity to criticism
"There's no such thing as constructive criticism, it's all criticism," he revealed.
Hammock says that you cannot correct a narcissist in any way without them feeling personally attacked, saying he is the same way.
But here's the revelation: Hammock claims that most people display at least one of these traits.
When it was pointed out that the traits displayed sounded like someone you may know, he said: "Most people have narcissistic traits, just for survival - just for perseverance and survival in today's world."
Hammock claims that people have had these traits before our time to protect themselves in the world and life, but highlighted that this is different to having NPD.
"The personality disorder is diagnosed, I think there is 0.5 percent to one percent of the population that is clinically diagnosed with NPD. Of course, there are more narcissists out there.
"Most narcissists are not going to sit in a therapy chair and let a therapist tell them what's wrong with them."
He says that the disorder is different to displaying a trait or two, as it is 'pervasive' and manifests as a pattern of toxic behaviour.
Topics: Mental Health, Social Media, Lifestyle